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Author: Silvertale, Trixie
Paranormal Cozy Mystery

When Santa’s daughter leaves the North Pole on a baking quest, will her sweet dreams turn fatally sour?
Cindy Claus is excited to open her own bakery. She’s determined to pursue her passion and have her holiday treats prove she’s more than a Yuletide heir. But before she can whisk up a success, her roommate is murdered and Cindy is the prime suspect.

With finding the real killer the only way to beat the rap, Cindy relies on the kindness of strangers and her father’s trusted arctic fox. But without a recipe for success in the unfamiliar human world, grilling the wrong suspects could put her behind bars…

Dark Space (affiliate link)

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Author: Scott, Jasper T.
Space Opera Science Fiction
Ten years ago the Sythians invaded the galaxy with one goal: to wipe out the human race.
Now the survivors are hiding in the last human sector of the galaxy: Dark Space–once a place of exile for criminals, now the last refuge of mankind.
The once galaxy-spanning Imperium of Star Systems is left guarding the gate which is the only way in or out of Dark Space–but not everyone is satisfied with their governance.
Freelancer and ex-convict Ethan Ortane is on the run. He owes crime lord Alec Brondi 10,000 sols, and his ship is badly damaged. When Brondi catches up with him, he makes an offer Ethan can’t refuse.
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Author: Bell, Marlene
Humorous Fiction

The heroine of the novel is Ellen, who self-diagnoses as a pissed off, menopausal, crazy lady, when she loses half her home and business when her husband, Dumbass, leaves her for another woman. Half-a-step away from a nervous breakdown, Ellen disgruntledly accepts guidance from Libby, a therapist who helps Ellen remain sane as she works through her dumpster-fire divorce.

Leaving her old life behind, Ellen moves into the mansion of college tennis teammate Roxie. Ellen discovers that Roxie is a boozing, thieving, narcissistic dog hater who mistreats Benny, her adorable golden retriever. Resisting the urge to throw her car into reverse, roll over Roxie, and screech away, Ellen stays to protect Benny.

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Author: Milne, A. A.
Traditional Detective Mysteries
Mark Ablett is entertaining a house party at his English country house. The guest list includes a widow and her marriageable daughter, a retired major, a willful actress, and Bill Beverley, a young man about town. When Mark’s long-lost brother Robert, the black sheep of the family, arrives from Australia, things do not go as per plans and shortly thereafter Robert is found shot dead. Now it is up to Tony Gillingham and his friend Bill to figure out the locked room mystery and catch the murderer.

A Nice Rebellion (affiliate link)

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Author: Root, Artemus

Does it pay to be nice in a world that seems to reward selfish behaviour?
Meet Ford Wilkinson, a car salesman who has always been a little too nice for his own good. But when his girlfriend dumps him and he gets passed over for a promotion at work, Ford realizes that his niceness has become a curse. Determined to toughen up and become more selfish, Ford sets out to transform his personality with the help of hypnotherapy from a shady backstreet clinic.

What could possibly go wrong? As it turns out, a lot! Ford’s new, less-nice version of himself brings chaos wherever he goes and his life quickly spirals out of control. And as if that weren’t enough, he’s being watched by a mysterious organization that has been monitoring him for months.

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Author: Faricy, Mike
Private Investigator Mysteries

Work is slow for Private Investigator, Dev Haskell so he agrees to make collection calls to octogenarians past due on their coffin payments. He barely lasts the morning before he quits. On his way out the door Dev recommends “reformed” criminal Tommy Flaherty for the job. Since no good deed goes unpunished, that turns out to be a very big mistake and Dev finds himself taken for the ultimate ride.

At the same time, Dev attempts to investigate online tampering with an “Escort” website. Unfortunately, there’s a lot more than pictures of gorgeous women being exchanged and the last people willing to help seems to be Dev’s client Ashley and her thug boyfriend, Tony.

The Law (affiliate link)

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Author: Frederic, Bastiat
Regularly $6.99, Today $1.99
Property Law

The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense; it is the substitution of collective for individual forces, for the purpose of acting in the sphere in which they have a right to act, of doing what they have a right to do, to secure persons, liberties, and properties, and to maintain each in its right, so as to cause justice to reign over all.

It is with these words that the nineteenth-century French economist and statesman Frédéric Bastiat describes his theory of the individual rights of man in a classic refutation of the communist ideas that were sweeping across France at the time. In these pages, Bastiat affirms that the non-intervention of the State in private affairs gives rise to our wants and their satisfactions developing in their natural order. Problems arise when the law leaves its proper sphere and is employed in annihilating that justice which it should have established.

Selected Poems (affiliate link)

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Author: Dickinson, Emily
Regularly $6.99, Today $1.99

One of the nineteenth century’s leading poets, Emily Dickinson wrote nearly 1,800 poems during her lifetime, though only a handful were published. This collection includes some of Dickinson’s best-known works, reflecting her thoughts on nature, life, death, the mind, and the spirit.

“Emily Dickinson is one of our most original writers, a force destined to endure in American letters. . . . Without elaborate philosophy, yet with irresistible ways of expression, Emily Dickinson’s poems have true lyric appeal, because they make abstractions, such as love, hope, loneliness, death, and immortality, seem near and intimate and faithful.” —The Atlantic

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Author: Nordgren, Carl
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Creativity Self-Help
Becoming a Creative Genius {again} makes the case that we are all born creative and entrepreneurial geniuses, then shows you how to become the most creatively entrepreneurial version of yourself you can be. And is there a part of your life that won’t improve when that happens? Those attending Nordgren’s workshops comment that his content prepares them to get the most out of: Agile software development, Design thinking, Lean start-up methodology, and Corporate innovation processes. Nordgren’s content, organized as The Generative Way matrix, will improve your ability to get the most out of these tools as you grow your creative capacity and develop your entrepreneurial instincts.

The Draw of the Sea (affiliate link)

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Author: Menmuir, Wyl
Regularly $12.99, Today $4.99
Coastal Ecosystems

Since the earliest stages of human development, the sea has fascinated and entranced us. It feeds us, sustaining communities and providing livelihoods, but it also holds immense destructive power which can take all those away in an instant.

It connects us to far away places, offering the promise of new lands and voyages of discovery, but also shapes our borders, carving divisions between landmasses and eroding the very ground beneath our feet.

In this beautifully-written meditation on what it is that draws us to the waters’ edge, author Wyl Menmuir tells the stories of the people whose lives revolve around the sea in the Cornish community where he lives.

Sis Boom Bah (affiliate link)

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Author: Heller, Jane
Regularly $8.99, Today $1.99
Humorous Fiction

Soap opera writer Deborah Peltz can handle any kind of drama, except for her sister Sharon’s. A wedding planner in Boca Raton, Sharon thinks she has the answers to everything, but with three divorces under her belt, she should be the last person on the planet to dole out all that eyeroll-worthy advice.

Normally, Deborah survives by keeping her distance, safe in the bustle of New York, but when their mother has a heart attack in Florida, she drops everything to be near her. Burying the hatchet with her sister is a challenge in itself, but when they both fall for their mother’s handsome cardiologist, winning him over and earning an invite to his place becomes an obsession.

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Author: Associates, Dale Carnegie &
Regularly $14.98, Today $4.99
Personal Success in Business

Now that the citizens of our world have made radical shifts because of the global pandemic, and adjusted to remote work and social distancing, the ways we used to connect with others may seem distant or even obsolete. We yearn for real connection, deep and meaningful interactions that are based on commonality instead of what we can get from one another.

Connections can happen anywhere and can range from the simple to the profound. They are what adds the seasoning to the stew of life. They are the things that can make their day, and make ours, and leave us smiling. And who doesn’t want to smile?

Does this mean that it’s easy? That there are no challenges to connecting with different people? Of course not. In our modern world, it’s become normalized to have conflict with those who are different from us

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