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Author: Konrath, J.A.
Police Procedurals


Lt. Jacqueline “Jack” Daniels of the Chicago Police Department is back, and once again she’s up to her Armani in murder.

Someone is sending Jack snuff videos. The victims are people she knows, and they share a common trait — each was involved in one of Jack’s previous cases. With her stalwart partner hospitalized and unable to help, Jack follows a trail of death throughout the Midwest, on a collision course with the smartest and deadliest adversary she’s ever known.

During the chase, Jack jeopardizes her career, her love life, and her closest friends. She also comes to a startling realization — serial killers have families, and blood runs thick.

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Author: Wilson, L.E.
Paranormal Vampire Romance

He’ll protect her from everything. Even himself. Hell, especially himself…

When Nikulas learns a witch went missing the same night his brother disappeared, he knows it’s not a coincidence. Finding the witch’s sister, the only witness to what happened that night, is easy. Keeping his hands—and fangs—off the feisty woman with the face of an angel and the soul of a warrior, however, is not.

Emma Moss will stop at nothing to rescue her sister from the demons who kidnapped her. So, when Nik suggests working together, she agrees. But that doesn’t mean she has any intention of trusting the charming, sexy vampire. Not when he stalks her like a predator…and looks at her like she’s lunch.

The Pretty Beach Thing (affiliate link)

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Author: Babbington, Polly
Contemporary Romance

Arriving at what she has calculated as more or less the middle of her life, things for bookworm Lotta Button, her nose always stuck in a book, are not going at all the way she planned. With that thing they call life throwing all the hurdles it can her way as a new year rolls around, she hits rock bottom and wonders how she’s ever going to crawl her way back up.

When she finds herself at yet another family wedding in the lobby of a country house, she bumps into a man, and little does she know, he is going to become quite the feature in her world. He needs a partner for a business deal, and a few little white lies she’s told mean he could help her out too… With a book always as her companion, Lotta embarks on a fake relationship and the story unfolds before our eyes, what Lotta thought was going to happen in her year doesn’t quite pan out that way at all.

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Author: Demaree, Steve
Humorous Fiction
A retired detective thinks that all he will have to do on Halloween is hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Everything goes well until all the children in costume come and go, and then the phone calls begin. One of them comes from his former Chief of Police, whom he and his former partner have promised that they will come out of retirement whenever there is a murder in their small town. Not only do they have to go out on a dark night in the pouring down rain, but they have to head out to a remote part of the county, where almost no one lives, to a place where someone has texted and reported that someone has been murdered. All they have to go on is the location of the cell phone. Before he solves the case, he is confronted with several suspects, none of whom seem to have motives or alibis.
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Author: Baker, Priscilla
Cozy Animal Mystery

After fleeing her high-powered job in the city and a failed marriage, Penny Bowden has arrived in Bellamy Cove, a small beach town on the outer edge of Cape Cod. She’s purchased a run-down horse farm – complete with horses and a farm hand – and plans to make her living by offering riding lessons to townsfolk and tourists alike. Upon her arrival, Penny eagerly enters the town’s annual bake-off, hoping to impress her new neighbors and make some friends.

Right before the bake-off begins, Penny is goaded into an argument with one of the town’s most important citizens, Janine Hallett. Only a few minutes later, the entire town witnesses Janine’s tragic death – and even worse, she’s been murdered. Penny is shocked to find that the police are pointing the finger at her, and all because Janine was eating a piece of Penny’s famous cherry pie when she died!

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Author: Sorensen, Karla
Sports Romance

You know the hot neighbor boy you crushed on all your teenage years? Imagine seeing him ten years later and he turns out to be a complete jerk, then you know how I feel.

Our last encounter was awkward, given I’d climbed into his bedroom window to turn my unrequited crush into something … requited. That day was bad enough, but things just got worse.

Noah Griffin turned himself into one of the best football players in the country and a transfer to the Washington Wolves— the team I work for—lands him on my doorstep. The timing couldn’t be worse, because my boss just handed me the opportunity of a lifetime. And that promotion rides squarely on Noah’s big, muscular, condescending shoulders.

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Author: Burrowes, Grace
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Regency Historical Romance
THEY CALL HIM THE DUKE OF MURDER… The gossips whisper that the new Duke of Murdoch is a brute, a murderer, and even worse–a Scot. They say he should never be trusted alone with a woman. But Megan Windham sees in Hamish something different, someone different.
No one was fiercer at war than Hamish MacHugh, though now the soldier faces a whole new battlefield: a London Season. To make his sisters happy, he’ll take on any challenge–even letting their friend Miss Windham teach him to waltz. Megan isn’t the least bit intimidated by his dark reputation, but Hamish senses that she’s fighting battles of her own. For her, he’ll become the warrior once more, and for her, he might just lose his heart.

Floating Staircase (affiliate link)

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Author: Malfi, Ronald
Regularly $9.99, Today $1.99
Paranormal Suspense

Horror writer Travis Glasgow and his wife, Jodie, have bought their first house in Westlake, Maryland, just steps from Travis’s older brother’s home. Travis is buoyed by the thought of renewing his relationship with his estranged sibling and overcoming the darkness from his past. But the house has other plans for him. Travis is soon awakened by noises in the night and finds watery footprints in the basement that lead him to the nearby lake, which has a strange staircase emerging from its depths.

When Travis discovers that a former occupant of his house—a ten-year-old boy—drowned in the lake, he draws connections to his own childhood tragedy. As his brother and wife warn him to leave well enough alone, Travis is pulled into a dark obsession, following the house’s secrets to the floating staircase—and into the depths of madness . . .

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Author: Bryndza, Robert
Regularly $4.99, Today $2.49
Psychological Fiction

Kate Marshall was a promising young police detective when she caught the notorious Nine Elms serial killer. But her greatest victory suddenly turned into a nightmare. Traumatized, betrayed, and publicly vilified for the shocking circumstances surrounding the cannibal murder case, Kate could only watch as her career ended in scandal.

Fifteen years after those catastrophic events, Kate is still haunted by the unquiet ghosts of her troubled past. Now a lecturer at a small coastal English university, she finally has a chance to face them. A copycat killer has taken up the Nine Elms mantle, continuing the ghastly work of his idol.

Enlisting her brilliant research assistant, Tristan Harper, Kate draws on her prodigious and long-neglected skills as an investigator to catch a new monster. Success promises redemption, but there’s much more on the line: Kate was the original killer’s intended fifth victim…and his successor means to finish the job.

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Author: Gardner, Erle Stanley
Regularly $53.99, Today $4.99
Legal Thrillers

The Case of the Lazy Lover

Perry Mason is surprised to receive two checks from a stranger named Lola Allred. When he speaks with Lola’s husband, he discovers the woman has run off with her daughter’s boyfriend—who happens to be an important witness in a lawsuit. Soon Mason is caught up in a case involving forgery and murder . . .

The Case of the Lonely Heiress

Marilyn Marlow has inherited a good deal of money from her mother. But the money originated with another will—that of her mother’s wealthy employer. Now his relatives are contesting the will and the key witness to its signing has just been murdered. It’s up to the sleuthing lawyer to clear the cloud of suspicion over Miss Marlow’s head . . .

The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom

Edward Garvin is a very successful businessman with a very unhappy ex-wife—who wants his money. Garvin calls on Perry Mason to protect his company from her schemes, and ensure the divorce they’d gotten in Mexico is actually finalized. But when Garvin’s former spouse is struck down by a killer, Mason’s client becomes the chief suspect . . .

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Author: Morgan, Sarah
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Romance Collections

Sleigh Bells in the Snow

Once upon a time, Christmas was Kayla Green’s favorite time of year. Now all the workaholic wants for Christmas is for it to be over—as fast as possible! So when duty calls her to snowy Vermont to close a deal with a new client, Kayla is grateful for an excuse to avoid the holidays for another year.

Jackson O’Neil left a thriving business behind to return home and salvage his family’s resort—it’s in his blood, and he can’t let it fail. Now that he’s got marketing whiz Kayla Green working with him to put Snow Crystal on the map, success is on the horizon. The fact they strike enough sparks off each other to power all the Christmas lights in Vermont is just an added bonus.

Kayla might be an expert at her job, but she’s out of her depth with Jackson—he makes her crave the happy-ever-after she once dreamed of, and it’s terrifying. As the snowflakes continue to swirl, will the woman who doesn’t believe in the magic of Christmas finally fall under its spell?

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Author: Doig, Ivan
Regularly $14.99, Today $2.99
History of Western U.S.

Ivan Doig grew up in the rugged wilderness of western Montana among the sheepherders and denizens of small-town saloons and valley ranches. What he deciphers from his past with piercing clarity is not only a raw sense of land and how it shapes us, but also of the ties to our mothers and fathers, to those who love us, and our inextricable connection to those who shaped our values in our search for intimacy, independence, love, and family.

A powerfully told story, This House of Sky is uniquely American—yet also universal in its ability to awaken a longing for an explicable past.

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Author: Douglas, John, Olshaker, Mark
Regularly $14.41, Today $3.99
Biographies of Law Enforcement

No one is better acquainted with the subject of humanity’s most notorious crimes and the wrenching challenges of bringing those criminals to justice than John Douglas, the model for Agent Jack Crawford in The Silence of the Lambs.In this provocative and deeply personal book, the most prominent criminal investigator of our time recounts his twenty-five-year FBI career tracking down master criminals, writing true crime bestsellers, and developing forensic science and the art of criminal profiling.

In his earlier works, Douglas wrote only about the guilty; in Law & Disorder, he writes about the guilty, innocents accused, and even innocents convicted as he addresses every law enforcement professional’s worst nightmare: those cases where, for one reason or another, justice was delayed . . . or even denied.

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