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Author: Vansant, Amy
Cozy Mystery
Growing up in one of Florida’s fifty-five-plus communities, Charlotte never expected life to be wild. Golf cart racing with her surrogate mothers Mariska and Darla was about as nutty as life got…until she found the hot pawnbroker’s mom buried in her backyard. Talk about making a lousy first impression. Armed with nothing but her wits, Pineapple Port’s questionable cast of characters and a growing crush, Charlotte is determined to solve the mystery of Declan’s mother’s murder. Hey, at least this guy’s skeletons aren’t in his closet.
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Author: Tisdale, Suzan
Scottish Historical Romance
Scotland, 1344 She believes men are not honorable nor are they kind-until she meets one that changes her heart forever. Betrayed by lies told before her birth, Aishlinn is raised by a harsh and cruel stepfather. Her life is forever changed one horrifying night when she is forced to flee England for the safety of the Scottish Highlands. Rescued by a fierce band of highland warriors, Aishlinn soon learns that honorable men do exist. She finds a strength she never knew she possessed and it will be tested to the limits when she is forced to make a heart-wrenching decision…allow the English to kill those she loves, or surrender for the crime she committed. She is everything he never knew he wanted in a woman…. As a fierce highland warrior, Duncan McEwan has survived numerous battles, bed countless women, and survived a horrific storm at sea. He has scaled mountains and even survived hand-to-claw battle with a cat-o’mountain. But none of that could have prepared him for how his life forever changed one fateful spring day when he rescued a lass from a freezing stream.

Summer at Conwenna Cove (affiliate link)

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Author: Boleyn, Darcie
Romantic Comedy

Can the magic of Conwenna Cove heal the hurt of the past?
Eve has everything she’s ever wanted, but when tragedy strikes she loses it all. She seeks solace at her aunt’s home in the beautiful Cornish village of Conwenna Cove. The last thing on her mind is romance – until she meets Jack.

Jack has seen the worst things people can do to each other and realised he is better off alone. He saves his affections for the rescue dogs he cares for. But when Eve arrives in the village he can’t deny his attraction to her.

Eve and Jack are drawn together but scared to love. Can they put fear aside and find happiness again?

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Author: Haywood, RR
Science Fiction Romance

Sam, an airlock operative, is bored. Living in space should be full of adventure, except it isn’t, and he fills his time hacking 3-D movie posters.

Petty thief Yasmine Dufont grew up in the lawless lower levels of the ship, surrounded by violence and squalor, and now she wants out. She wants to escape to the luxury of the Ab-Spa, where they eat real food instead of rats and synth cubes.

Meanwhile, the sleek-hulled, unmanned Gagarin has come back from the ever-continuing search for a new home. Nearly all hope is lost that a new planet will ever be found, until the Gagarin returns with a code of information that suggests a habitable planet has been found. This news should be shared with the whole fleet, but a few rogue captains want to colonise it for themselves.

When Yasmine inadvertently steals the code, she and Sam become caught up in a dangerous game of murder, corruption, political wrangling and…porridge, with sex-addicted Detective Zhang Woo hot on their heels, his own life at risk if he fails to get the code back.

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Author: Baton, Tiffany
Historical Regency Romance

Everyone told her to stay away from the Beast of Pineton…

After being abandoned at the altar by her betrothed, Rachel is certain she will live her life as a spinster. Her idea of love crumbled that day, and even more now, when it’s announced that she is to wed a man she has only heard horrible whispers about.

After the war, Oliver has turned into a cold and scarred man. Ever since his brother’s death, he has lived in self-exile, refusing to show his face to the ton. But when he decides to rebuild his brother’s business, he quickly realizes he needs a wealthy bride. And Rachel just might do.

Oliver thinks he doesn’t deserve happiness. But his new bride is here to show him that love is real. And just when they fall for each other, Oliver’s dark past catches up to them…

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Author: Gussin, Patricia
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Medical Thrillers

This is a world you would never want to enter . . . or forget

Pull a trigger and everything changes. Medical student Laura Nelson had just finished examining her first patient when she is forced to make a split-second decision that will alter the course of her life—forever.

One life will end, and one life will never be the same. But keeping her dreadful secret will be one of the toughest challenges Laura will ever face. With a persistent and perceptive detective hot on her trail and a host of eerie incidents suggesting that maybe her secret isn’t really a secret, Laura is drawn into an unseemly web of peril, deceit, and treachery and is forced to risk both her freedom and her sanity.

Will her deadly secret come to light, or must she live forever in the shadow of death?

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Author: Barrett-Lee, Tess Eagle Swan & Lynne
Regularly $4.99, Today $0.99
Dog Stories

Incredible Kratu tells the story of the lovable rascal from Crufts who became the peoples’ champion worldwide and, in so doing, healed his owner’s heart.

A solitary child who only really found solace in nature, Tess Eagle Swan ran away from home aged sixteen and, by her late twenties, had already survived violence and drug addiction. In the following decade, life spiralled further out of control. Something had to change.

Tess had always loved animals, so when she saw a post on Facebook about the plight of two dogs in Romania, she was moved to take action, helping find homes for both. It was the first step on the road that led her to Kratu – the Carpathian/Mioritic Shepherd cross she adopted in 2014. From his humble beginnings on a Roma camp in Transylvania, Kratu has gone on to become a canine international treasure. Now a trained assistance and therapy dog, he has brought joy to millions with his lovable antics – not least with his legendary appearances at Crufts. But the role he has played in Tess’s story is more compelling still. After a lifetime of distress, Tess and Kratu’s bond allowed Tess to finally learn to love herself and answer some of the questions behind her troubled beginnings.

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Author: Creighton, Mary
Regularly $12.99, Today $0.99
Biographies & Memoirs of Women

Mary Creighton was just 15 when she found herself pregnant out of wedlock, in 1960s Ireland. She dreamed of a happy life with her child, but that was shattered when she was sent away to Castlepollard – a home for mothers and their unborn babies.

Stripped of their clothes and forced into gruelling work whilst pregnant, those who survived childbirth were made to force-feed their children for adoption into wealthy families. Babies were ripped out of their mother’s hands, but Mary refused to let that happen to her. She managed to escape only to later lose her beautiful daughter to social services and the Sacred Heart nuns, who always managed to catch up with her. After spending time in an infamous Magdalene Laundry, and having another two children snatched away, Mary sought to find her lost children, and demand answers for the atrocities committed supposedly in God’s name.

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Author: Swierczynski, Duane
Regularly $5.99, Today $2.99
Hard-Boiled Mysteries

Charlie Hardie, an ex-cop still reeling from the revenge killing of his former partner’s entire family, fears one thing above all else: that he’ll suffer the same fate.

Languishing in self-imposed exile, Hardie has become a glorified house sitter. His latest gig comes replete with an illegally squatting B-movie actress who rants about hit men who specialize in making deaths look like accidents. Unfortunately, it’s the real deal. Hardie finds himself squared off against a small army of the most lethal men in the world: The Accident People.

It’s nothing personal-the girl just happens to be the next name on their list. For Hardie, though, it’s intensely personal. He’s not about to let more innocent people die. Not on his watch.

Exposure (affiliate link)

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Author: Dunmore, Helen
Regularly $17.99, Today $2.99
Historical Mystery

In 1960 London, the Cold War is at its height, and a spy may be a friend or neighbor, colleague or lover. Two colleagues, Giles Holloway and Simon Callington, face a terrible dilemma over a missing top-secret file.

At the end of a suburban garden, in the pouring rain, Simon’s wife, Lily, buries a briefcase containing the file deep in the earth. She believes that in doing so she is protecting her family. What she will learn is that no one is immune from betrayal or the devastating consequences of exposure.

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Author: DeSanctis, Marcia
Regularly $19.99, Today $1.99
Travel Reference

Told in a series of stylish, original essays, New York Times travel bestseller 100 Places in France Every Woman Should Go is for the serious Francophile, the woman dreaming of a trip to Paris, and those who love crisp stories well told. Like all great travel writing, this volume goes beyond the guidebook and offers insight not only about where to go but why to go there. Combining advice, memoir and meditations on the glories of traveling through France, this book is the must-have in your carry-on.

Award-winning writer Marcia DeSanctis draws on years of travels and living in France to lead you through vineyards, architectural treasures, fabled gardens and contemplative hikes from Biarritz to Deauville, Antibes to the French Alps. These 100 entries capture art, history, food, fresh air and style and along the way, she tells the stories of fascinating women who changed the country’s destiny.

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