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Author: Keith, Keely Brooke
Religious Historical Fiction

A hidden land settled by peaceful people ~ The first outsider in 160 years

Lydia Colburn is a young physician dedicated to serving her village in the Land, an undetectable island in the South Atlantic Ocean. When Lt. Connor Bradshaw’s parachute carries him from the world war to Lydia’s hidden land, his mission could expose her simple society.

As Connor searches for a way to return to his squadron, his fascination with life in the Land makes him protective of Lydia and her peaceful homeland, and Lydia’s attraction to Connor stirs desires she never expected.

But will they be able to keep the Land hidden?

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Author: Chesterton, G. K.
Satire Fiction
In this political satire, set in the future, Kings of England are selected randomly. The dreary succession of randomly selected Kings of England is broken up when Auberon Quin, who cares for nothing but a good joke, is chosen. To amuse himself, he institutes elaborate costumes for the provosts of the districts of London. All are bored by the King’s antics except for one earnest young man who takes the cry for regional pride seriously – Adam Wayne, the eponymous Napoleon of Notting Hill.
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Author: Coles, Linda
Police Procedurals

They kill wild animals for sport. She’s about to return the favour…

A spate of distressing big-game hunter posts are clogging up her newsfeed. As hunters brag about the exotic animals they’ve murdered, a passionate veterinarian can no longer sit back and do nothing.

To stop the killings, she creates her own endangered list of hunters. By stalking their profiles and infiltrating their inner circles, she vows to take them out one-by-one.

And she won’t stop until their kind is extinct…

A Letter From America (affiliate link)

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Author: O’Neill, Geraldine
Contemporary Literary Fiction

It is the late 60’s in Tullamore, County Offaly, and life is full of exciting possibilities for Fiona Tracey, as she prepares to leave Ireland to work for a wealthy family in New York.

Fiona’s parents have the local shop and bar, and her younger sisters are already leading independent lives. Bridget is at a convent school preparing to be a nun and Angela has led a life of her own since she was hospitalised up in Dublin for years with childhood polio.

Then, sudden tragedy forces Fiona to postpone her departure for New York. As her mother sinks into illness and depression, her responsibilities mount. When help is offered by her aunt and cousin, Fiona is mystified by her mother’s animosity towards them.

As summer approaches, an American architect, Michael O’Sullivan, takes a room above the bar. Within a short time Fiona finds herself involved in an unexpected and passionate affair.

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Author: Hellmann, Libby Fischer
Private Investigator Mysteries

How far do high school girls go for approval from their peers? Chicago PI Georgia Davis finds out.
When pretty, smart Sara Long is found bludgeoned to death, it’s easy to blame the man with the bat. But when Georgia Davis — former cop and newly-minted PI — is hired to look into the incident at the behest of the accused’s sister, what she finds hints at a different, darker answer.

It seems the privileged, preppy schoolgirls on Chicago’s North Shore have learned just how much their innocence is worth to hot-under-the-collar businessmen. But while these girls can now pay for Prada pricetags, they don’t realize that their new business venture may end up costing them more than they can afford.

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Author: Smith, Nicholas Sansbury
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
War & Military Action Fiction

Five days ago North Korea detonated three strategically placed nuclear warheads over the United States, triggering an electromagnetic pulse that crippled the country. A second attack destroyed the nerve center of America in a nuclear blast that flattened the nation’s capital. As the government falls apart in the aftermath, the survivors must decide how far they will go to save the ones they love.

In this lawless new world where the most ruthless thrive while innocents suffer; a sheriff, a retired marine, a nurse, and a senator turned secretary of defense are faced with keeping their communities and families safe. One thing is certain—they won’t be able to save everyone. Not with their humanity still intact.

Limits (affiliate link)

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Author: Tate, Susie
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Medical Fiction

For as long as she can remember Millie has had her limits. Staying within them keeps her isolated, safe; helps her to cope. Why then have they started to feel so stifling? Why is her loneliness starting to rival her fears?

When she watches him she wishes she could be normal; she wishes she could be like the people he interacts with so seamlessly. Pavlos Martakis is her complete and total opposite: physically intimidating, likable, naturally attractive, extremely confident, sexually promiscuous: the most uninhibited, charming, outgoing and free person she has ever encountered in her life. He fascinates Millie; thrills and intimidates her in equal measure.

But, as the culprit behind the invention of her nickname Nuclear Winter, Millie knows that if Pav feels anything for her it is more than likely contempt. Cold, boring, robotic: that is how the rest of the hospital sees her. So she can safely watch him from afar. He would never notice her … would he?

In the Dark (affiliate link)

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Author: White, Loreth Anne
Regularly $4.99, Today $1.99
Police Procedurals

A secluded mountain lodge. The perfect getaway. So remote no one will ever find you.

The promise of a luxury vacation at a secluded wilderness spa has brought together eight lucky guests. But nothing is what they were led to believe. As a fierce storm barrels down and all contact with the outside is cut off, the guests fear that it’s not a getaway. It’s a trap.

Each one has a secret. Each one has something to hide. And now, as darkness closes in, they all have something to fear—including one another.

Alerted to the vanished party of strangers, homicide cop Mason Deniaud and search and rescue expert Callie Sutton must brave the brutal elements of the mountains to find them. But even Mason and Callie have no idea how precious time is. Because the clock is ticking, and one by one, the guests of Forest Shadow Lodge are being hunted. For them, surviving becomes part of a diabolical game.


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