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Author: Nicholls, Adam
Crime Thrillers

The clock is ticking. They’re still missing.

After handing in his detective badge, Mason Black now lives a stable life as a private investigator. But when the bodies of two children are discovered with messages written in blood, the pattern of a familiar killer emerges.

Now, the Carter twins are missing, and only Mason can help. With his unique knowledge of the killer, he has an advantage over the San Francisco Police Department. While his marriage falls apart, he must choose between repairing his life or opening doors that were meant to stay closed. There’s just one problem; neither solution will restore his faith in humanity.

The Lullaby Killer is on the hunt, and Mason Black is always a step behind.

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Author: Keisel, Kortney
American Humorous Fiction


Confession: I’m attracted to my student’s dad. Let me give you Tyler Dixon’s resume: thoughtful, manly, father of the year, widower, ridiculously attractive (basically the opposite of a dad bod).

This might sound like good news for someone like me—someone who dreams of getting married and becoming a mom—but it’s not. Getting involved with a parent is grounds for immediate removal at my school, and right now, my fragile heart can’t handle being fired. My mom just died. My boyfriend broke up with me, and to top it all off, my dad started dating again. Stable employment is the only good thing I have. Risking my job and my heart is the most foolish thing I could do.


Being a widower isn’t like the movies. There’s not a block of women knocking on my door, bringing me casseroles every day. No, real life is work, laundry, and groceries—all while being both the mom and the dad. I’m pretty much failing at this single-parent thing. I don’t have time to date. Which is good since the only woman I’m interested in keeps pushing me away: Miss Johnson.

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Author: Kipling, James
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

A mystery thriller collection you will not forget.

11 gripping novels full of action, suspense, mystery, plot twists.

Do you love stories that are packed full of mystery, suspense, twists and turns? Then you will love all 11 mystery thriller novels in this box set. These books are readers’ favorites with over 350 rave reviews.. This collection is put together for a short time only for your reading pleasure.

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Author: Grant, Abigail
Young Adult Fantasy Romance

I grew up with nothing, just a girl with tainted blood. Not quite wolf shifter, and not quite… Well, whatever my father was.

When Dad was killed in the dungeons of the king of Unity, I was left alone.

That was, until the wolf king’s guards found me and said I was chosen to participate in the Kingdom Trials.

Somehow, I went from fugitive to possible future ruler over Unity… but how is that possible when the only ones chosen for the trials are those with royal blood? Was it a mistake?

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Author: Bretton, Barbara
Time Travel Romance

Historian Emilie Crosse dreamed of a love that would last forever

Who knew she’d have to sail across two centuries to find it?

When her ex-husband Zane Grey Rutledge showed up at her door with a Revolutionary War uniform that was part of his grandmother’s estate, neither one suspected that their lives were about to change in ways they couldn’t possibly imagine.

Swept back in time to 1776 where a nation is struggling to be born, Emilie finds herself torn between two men: Zane, her ex who still holds the key to her heart, and Andrew McVie, the Patriot hero of her long-ago dreams . . . .

Star Riders (affiliate link)

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Author: Allen, Rick A.
Space Opera Science Fiction
A mysterious alien artifact beckons…
A peaceful community of planets shattered…
When astrophysicist Bacary Swift arrives at Earth’s first colony outside the solar system, he is devastated to discover his brother Matt missing and presumed dead. And Bacary’s first assignment is to investigate an enormous alien construct endangering the colony.
Soon, he finds himself transported light-years away into the midst of an alien civil war. Pursued by ruthless aliens with little regard for life, he hops from planet to planet, searching desperately for his lost brother.
Can Bacary weave his way through this bewildering maze of politics, intrigue, and betrayal to rescue Matt and find a way home?

The Girl in the Painting (affiliate link)

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Author: Cooper, Tea
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Historical Australian & Oceanian Fiction

Australia, 1906: Orphan Jane Piper is nine years old when philanthropist siblings Michael and Elizabeth Quinn take her into their home to further her schooling. The Quinns are no strangers to hardship. Having arrived in Australia as penniless immigrants, they now care for others as lost as they once were.

Despite Jane’s mysterious past, her remarkable aptitude for mathematics takes her far over the next seven years, and her relationship with Elizabeth and Michael flourishes as she plays an increasingly prominent part in their business.

But when Elizabeth reacts in terror to an exhibition at the local gallery, Jane realizes no one knows Elizabeth after all—not even Elizabeth herself. As the past and present converge and Elizabeth’s grasp on reality loosens, Jane sets out to unravel her story before it’s too late.

The Girl from Ballymor (affiliate link)

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Author: McGurl, Kathleen
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Historical British & Irish Literature

What would you sacrifice for your children?
Ballymor, Ireland, 1847

As famine grips the country Kitty McCarthy is left widowed and alone. Fighting to keep her two remaining children alive against all odds, Kitty must decide how far she will go to save her family.

Present day

Arriving in Ballymor, Maria is researching her ancestor, Victorian artist Michael McCarthy – and his beloved mother, the mysterious Kitty who disappeared without a trace.

Running from her future, it’s not only answers about the past that Maria hopes to find in Ireland. As her search brings her closer to the truth about Kitty’s fate, Maria must make the biggest decision of her life.

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Author: Reid, Penny
Regularly $5.99, Today $2.99
Modern Folktales

One unforgettable night leads to an unlikely shared connection, and unlikely connections never go unnoticed by the good folks in Green Valley, Tennessee. . .

Jackson James follows the rules. He has to. He’s a sheriff’s deputy in a super small town with a super big personality. However, strict adherence to the law during the day has been enjoyably balanced by rakish rules at night. Jackson, typically happy to protect and serve (and serve, and serve), starts questioning the value of wayward evenings when getting laid starts to feel more like being waylaid. Could it be that Green Valley’s most eligible—and notorious—bachelor longs for something (and someone) real?

Mega movie star Raquel Ezra follows only one rule: always leave them wanting more. Studio execs, reporters, audiences, fans, lovers—no one can get enough of the smart, savvy, and sexy bombshell. But when “generous offers” begin to feel more like excessive demands, years of always leaving has the elusive starlet longing for something (and perhaps someone) lasting.

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Author: Beller, Misty M.
Regularly $0.99, Today $0.79
Christian Historical Fiction

Ingrid Chastain readily agreed to accompany her father to deliver vaccines to a mining town in the Montana Territory. She never could have anticipated a terrible accident would leave her alone and badly injured in the wilderness. When rescue comes in the form of a mysterious mountain man who tends her injuries, she’s hesitant to put her trust in this quiet man who seems to have his own wounds.

Micah Bradley left his work as a doctor after unintentionally bringing home the smallpox disease that killed his wife and daughter. But his self-imposed solitude in the wilds of Montana is broken when he finds Ingrid in desperate need of medical attention, and he’s forced to face his regret and call on his doctoring skills once again.

The Beach Club: A Novel (affiliate link)

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Author: Hilderbrand, Elin
Regularly $9.99, Today $2.99
Domestic Life Fiction

Mack Petersen, manager of the hotel, has been working at The Beach Club for 12 summers. Only this summer is different. His boss, the owner of the hotel, Bill Elliot, shows up in the spring with a new set of demands. His girlfriend Maribel is pressing Mack to get married and Vance, the African-American bellman, who has hated Mack since the day Mack stole his job 12 years ago, threatens him in a deadly scene. Mack knows something’s got to give.

Love O’Donnell, the new front desk person straight from the slopes of Aspen, is desperately searching for a stranger to father her child. The bellman, Jem Crandall, who posed as Mr. November in his college calendar, is on his way to LA to break into agenting, until he falls in love with Maribel. Emotions are at a peak when a hurricane threatens to wash away The Beach Club and all it stands for.

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Author: Laurens, Stephanie
Regularly $6.99, Today $3.49
Victorian Historical Romance
Lord Grayson Child is horrified to discover that The London Crier, a popular gossip rag, is proposing to expose his extraordinary wealth to the ton’s matchmakers, not to mention London’s shysters and Captain Sharps. He hies to London and corners The Crier’s proprietor—only to discover the paper’s owner is the last person he’d expected to see.
Izzy—Lady Isadora Descartes—is flabbergasted when Gray appears in her printing works’ office. He’s the very last person she wants to meet while in her role as owner of The Crier, but there he is, as large as life, and she has to deal with him without giving herself away! She manages—just—and seizes on the late hour to put him off so she can work out what to do.
But before leaving the printing works, she and he stumble across a murder, and all hell breaks loose.

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