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Author: Moore, Addison
Cozy Animal Mystery
My name is Lottie Lemon and I see dead people. Okay, so I rarely see dead people, mostly I see furry creatures of the dearly departed variety. And for some reason those sweet, fluffy albeit paranormal cuties always seem to act as a not-so-great harbinger of deadly things to come for their previous owner. So when I saw that sweet orange tabby twirling around my landlord’s ankles, I figured Merilee was in for trouble. Personally, I was hoping for a skinned knee—what I got was a top spot in an open homicide investigation. Throw in a hot judge and an ornery detective that oozes testosterone and that pretty much sums up my life right about now. Have I mentioned how cute that detective is?
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Author: Pearson, David
Noir Crime

A promising young banker is killed in a Dublin alleyway. Two very different detectives try to find the murderer.

A night out turns into a nightmare for a young man who is killed in Dublin’s city centre. Once a street brawl or mugging is ruled out, it begins to look like he was targeted. But why?

DI Aidan Burke struggles to get anything useful out of the man’s friends and family, so the investigation leads to his workplace.

It is here that they establish he was in a relationship with a co-worker. And when his girlfriend is attacked in her home and narrowly escapes with her life, detectives become certain the death was not random.

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Author: O’Connor, A
Historical Fiction

Betrayal, deceit, revenge, obsession – one house, one family, three generations

Can a house keep secrets?

1840’s – When Lord Edward Armstrong builds the house for his bride, Anna, the family is at the climax of its power. But its world is threatened when no heir is born. Anna could restore their fortunes, but it would mean the ultimate betrayal. Then the Great Famine grips the country.

1910s – Clara finds life as lady of the manor is not what she expected when she married Pierce Armstrong. As the First World War rages, she finds solace in artist Johnny Seymour’s decadent circle. Then the War of Independence erupts and Clara is caught between two men, deceit and revenge.

Present Day – When Kate Fallon sees the house it is love at first sight. She and her tycoon husband Tony buy it and hire the last Armstrong owner, architect Nico, to oversee its restoration.

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Author: Nicholas, Annie
Humorous Vampire Romances

Welcome to New Port where shifters, witches, and vampires live openly next to humans working jobs, ordering take-out from the blood bank, and looking for love in all the wrong places.


Eoin, Harbinger of Smoke and Darkness, and Angie, Angel Dragon of New Port, are very pleased to announce they are expecting the birth of their first child in the spring. The popular celebrity dragon couple cannot wait to meet their newest addition. They were recently spotted at the premiere shifter obstetrician’s office looking upset. Stay tuned for updates. Warning: DO NOT approach couple, take pictures, or trespass on their land uninvited. Trust this reporter’s advice comes from firsthand experience.

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Author: Greenberg, Beth C.
Classic Coming of Age Fiction

Immortality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially for the 3,375-year-old virgin of Mount Olympus. Day after day, the God of Love launches his arrows, then watches from the sidelines while everyone else has all the fun. On a mischievous whim, Cupid sends a love-tipped arrow into the wrong rump—and the gods sentence him to a taste of his own medicine.

Banished from the only home he’s ever known, Cupid plunges to Earth and lands in present-day Tarra, Indiana, where mortals go on about their daily routines, oblivious to the capricious gods stirring the pot from above. Delighted to discover his wings and pubescent pudge have been transformed into a magnificent human body, Cupid swiftly leaves his virginity behind.

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Author: Banner, Blake
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.60
Espionage Thrillers

What do you do when the only skill you ever learned was how to kill, when you’re among the best of the best, but they tell you you can’t do that anymore? What do you do when they send you home from Afghanistan and tell you to get a job, like everybody else?

But you’re not like everybody else.

After eight years as a trooper in the SAS, fighting the secret, untold wars in the deserts and the jungles of the world, Harry Bauer has been kicked out for attempting to assassinate Mohammed Ben Amini, the Butcher of Al-Landy. He’s been sent home, to New York, where he was raised an orphan ‘til he was old enough to split and join the special forces.

Murder in the Family (affiliate link)

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Author: Barer, Burl
Regularly $8.99, Today $1.99
Murder & Mayhem True Accounts

On March 15, 1987, police in Anchorage, Alaska, arrived at a horrific scene of carnage. In a modest downtown apartment, they found Nancy Newman’s brutally beaten corpse sprawled across her bed. In other rooms were the bodies of her eight-year-old daughter, Melissa, and her three-year-old, Angie, whose throat was slit from ear to ear. Both Nancy and Melissa had been sexually assaulted.

After an intense investigation, the police focused on a principal suspect: twenty-three-year-old Kirby Anthoney, a troubled drifter who had turned to his uncle, Nancy’s husband John, for help and a place to stay. Little did John know that the nephew he took in was a murderous sociopath.

These shocking, tragic events stunned Anchorage residents and motivated the Major Crimes Unit of the city’s police department to get everything right. Feeling the heat, Kirby bolted for the Canadian border.

You Will Pay (affiliate link)

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Author: Jackson, Lisa
Regularly $12.75, Today $1.99
Police Procedurals

It starts as a prank—a way for teenage counselors to blow off steam after a long summer at Camp Horseshoe on the Oregon coast. Jo-Beth Chancellor wants to give Monica O’Neal a little scare. Monica has it coming, and no one will get hurt—so what could go wrong? Everything.

Twenty years later, Lucas Dalton, a senior detective with the sheriff’s department, is investigating human remains discovered in a cavern on the former campgrounds. Lucas knows the spot well. His preacher father ran the camp, and Lucas worked there that infamous summer when two girls went missing. No one knows what happened, though with a dangerous convict on the loose, gossip was rife that they were kidnapped, or worse.

Now seven former female counselors are coming back to the small Oregon town—among them, Bernadette Alsace, the woman Lucas never forgot.

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Author: Johnson, Craig
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Ghost Mysteries
When Wyoming highway patrolman Rosey Wayman is transferred to the beautiful and imposing landscape of the Wind River Canyon, an area the troopers refer to as no-man’s-land because of the lack of radio communication, she starts receiving “officer needs assistance” calls. The problem? They’re coming from Bobby Womack, a legendary Arapaho patrolman who met a fiery death in the canyon almost a half-century ago. With an investigation that spans this world and the next, Sheriff Walt Longmire and Henry Standing Bear take on a case that pits them against a legend: The Highwayman.
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Author: Herzog, Maurice
Regularly $17.99, Today $1.99
Travel Adventure

Annapurna I is the name given to the 8,100-meter mountain that ranks among the most forbidding in the Himalayan chain. Dangerous not just for its extreme height but for a long and treacherous approach, its summit proved unreachable until 1950, when a group of French mountaineers made a mad dash for its peak. They became the first men to accomplish the feat, doing so without oxygen tanks or any of the modern equipment that contemporary climbers use. The adventure nearly cost them their lives.

Maurice Herzog dictated this firsthand account of the remarkable trek from a hospital bed as he recovered from injuries sustained during the climb. An instant bestseller, it remains one of the most famous mountaineering books of all time, and an enduring testament to the power of the human spirit.

Rose Daughter (affiliate link)

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Author: McKinley, Robin
Regularly $11.99, Today $1.99
Dark Fantasy

Once upon a time, a wealthy merchant had three daughters. When his business failed, he moved his daughters to the countryside. The youngest daughter, Beauty, is fascinated by the thorny stems of a mysterious plant that overwhelms their neglected cottage. She tends the plant until it blossoms with the most beautiful flowers the sisters have ever seen—roses.

Admiring the roses, an old woman tells Beauty, “Roses are for love.” And she speaks of a sorcerers’ battle many years ago that left a beast in an enchanted palace, and a curse concerning a family of three sisters . . .

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