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Author: Cole, Audrey J.
Medical Thrillers

Sergeant Wade McKinnon knows who killed Samantha the moment he arrives at her crime scene. Problem is, he watched her killer die a year ago.

A year after serial killer Michael Rhodes is executed and allowed to donate part of his brain as an organ transplant, Wade gets called to a murder scene that shares uncanny similarities to those of the late Michael Rhodes. Other similar killings happen around Seattle, and Wade seems to be the only person still alive who knows enough about Michael Rhodes’s murders to be able to replicate them. When evidence found at one of the crime scenes points to Wade as the killer, he races to find the real culprit before it’s too late to clear his own name.

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Author: Carson, Daniel
Humorous Mystery

It’s been one helluva morning…

And Hope hasn’t even found the body.

At least not yet.

After a twelve year absence, investigative reporter Hope Walker is back home.

In Hopeless, Idaho.

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Author: Carr, Martha, Anderle, Michael
Horror Comedy

Johnny Walker was a good bounty hunter in his day. James Brownstone good.

But everybody has a line. Johnny found his when his teenage daughter was murdered. Who was the killer? Even Johnny couldn’t figure it out.

Everybody’s favorite Dwarf retreated to his cabin in the swamp with his two hound dogs by his side, and retired with his guns, his whiskey and his memories.

Except magical monsters weren’t done with him… yet.

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Author: Etzil, John
Action Thriller Fiction

Flight 2262 is bound for paradise, but a rogue terrorist could send it to the bottom of the ocean…

Kevin can’t wait to land in Hawaii for a romantic getaway. But when the off-duty pilot takes a glance at his GPS, he’s in for a surprise: the plane is headed to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. And he’s the only one who knows it…

Expecting the worst, Kevin heads to the cockpit. Before he can take the controls, he’s got a rookie air marshal, a stewardess with a grudge, and a barricade to get through. With a storm on the way and limited fuel, Kevin must recruit the support of the frightened passengers to save the day.

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Author: Sawyer, JT
Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction
Special Forces veteran Travis Combs just wanted to forget his weary years of leading combat missions while taking an extended rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. As he and his group complete a 22-day trip on the Colorado River, they find the world has unraveled from a deadly pandemic. Now, he has to show his small band how to live off the land and cross the rugged Arizona desert, while evading blood-drinking zombies, gangs of cartel bikers, and a rogue government agency.
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Author: Cross, Amy
British Horror Fiction

When she agrees to visit a supposedly haunted house with an old friend, Rosie assumes she’ll encounter nothing more scary than a few creaks and bumps in the night. Even the legend of Evil Mary doesn’t put her off. After all, she knows ghosts aren’t real. But when Mary makes her first appearance, Rosie realizes she might already be trapped.

For more than a century, Wetherley House has been cursed. A horrific encounter on a remote road in the late 1800’s has already caused a chain of misery and pain for all those who live at the house.

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Author: Blinston, Andy
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Dark Fantasy Horror

Gods bled at the end of his blade. Until he met a foe too great, one that stole his mind.

Darius awakes confused on a grisly battlefield in the fringes of the Torian Empire. His memories and powers have been stolen, leaving him weakened, but still lethal. There are three clues as to who he was:

– A fiery panther, bonded and ready to follow him into death
– His regal disguise, an outfit worn only by Toria’s so-called gods
– And the whispers of a woman that knows far more than she lets on.

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Author: Valentine, Radleigh
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Spiritual Healing

After years of suppressing and denying his true self, Radleigh Valentine had a revelation: “The sparklier I am, the more me that I am, the happier and more magical my life becomes.” Thus started a spiritual journey that led Radleigh to becoming the internationally renowned speaker, best-selling author, and spiritual intuitive that he is today.

Now Radleigh distills all he’s learned over the decades through messages from the universe, angels, and his own experiences to show you how to manifest and live a magical life.

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Author: MacLeod, Charlotte
Regularly $9.99, Today $1.99
Humorous Fiction
When Jenson Thorbisher-Freep announces an amateur theatrical contest, the women in the Grub-and-Stake gardening club race to join in. They enlist Osbert Monk as their playwright—not only is he married to their club leader Dittany Monk, but he’s famous the world over as Lex Laramie, bestselling novelist of Westerns. Taking the legend of Dangerous Dan McGrew as his inspiration, Osbert delivers a rough draft faster than the Pony Express. Now all the Grub-and-Stakers have to do is cast it.

One Girl One Dream (paid link)

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Author: Dekker, Laura
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Adventurer & Explorer Biographies

If you want to see the other side of the world, you can do two things: turn the world upside down, or travel there yourself.

In 2012, at the age of just 16, Laura Dekker became the youngest sailor ever to single-handedly circumnavigate the globe. In realising her long-held dream, she had not only braved the wild oceans and long weeks of solitude at sea, but also the doubts and sometimes hostile resistance of officials.

In this remarkable account of her incredible journey – for the first time in English – Laura describes in her own words what it is like to sail solo around the world, and the determination it takes to do it at such a young age.

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Author: Clipston, Amy, Wiseman, Beth, Fuller, Kathleen, Irvin, Kelly
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Amish Romance
When Marlene Bawell moved from Bird-in-Hand ten years ago, she was in the deepest of mourning for her mother. Now her family has moved back so her father can seek employment after being laid off. To help save money, Marlene works at the hardware store owned by Rudy Swarey’s father. She knew Rudy growing up and had a secret crush on him, though he never seemed to notice her. But just as a friendship between them begins to blossom, her life is once again turned upside down. Will Marlene ever have a chance to find her own true home?

Synapse (paid link)

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Author: James, Steven
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Christian Futuristic Fiction

Thirty years in the future, when AI is so advanced that humans live side by side with cognizant robots called Artificials, Kestrel Hathaway must come to terms not just with what machines know, but with what they believe.

Soon after experiencing a personal tragedy, Kestrel witnesses a terrorist attack and is drawn into a world of conspiracies and lies that she and Jordan, her Artificial, have to untangle. With a second, more brutal attack looming on the horizon, their best chance of stopping it is teaming up with federal counterterrorism agent Nick Vernon. But the clock is ticking—and all the while, Jordan is asking questions Artificials were never meant to ask.

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Author: Ceinwen, Sian
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Christian Science Fiction

Thirty years in the future, when AI is so advanced that humans live side by side with cognizant robots called Artificials, Kestrel Hathaway must come to terms not just with what machines know, but with what they believe.

Soon after experiencing a personal tragedy, Kestrel witnesses a terrorist attack and is drawn into a world of conspiracies and lies that she and Jordan, her Artificial, have to untangle. With a second, more brutal attack looming on the horizon, their best chance of stopping it is teaming up with federal counterterrorism agent Nick Vernon. But the clock is ticking—and all the while, Jordan is asking questions Artificials were never meant to ask.

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