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Author: Evans, Jayne
International Mystery & Crime

Pinned by a rock slide while conducting an environmental impact study in British Columbia’s Coast Mountains, Mia Blackmore figures karma has finally caught up to her. Actually, she’s surprised she got away with her crime this long.

When a rough-looking man with a French-Canadian accent nearly steps on her head, rescue seems just a fingertip away—then the slope shifts again, sending them both hurtling down the mountain.

The slide may have freed the auburn-haired woman, but undercover cop Hudson McClure still needs to keep her safe from the thugs who think he’s one of their own. The gang isn’t going to give up looking for their downed helicopter full of drugs. And, as it turns out, Mia and her decidedly wolfish dog, Neville, are his best shot getting to the crash first.

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Author: Patton, Violet
Ghost Mysteries

Do you believe in ghosts? I wish I didn’t. After I retired, Sandy and I opened Bathhouse Row Soapery. Boy, that was a dumb idea. Opening day, I fell backward off a stepladder, cracked my noggin on the sidewalk and woke with the ability to communicate with Fanny Doyle, Al Capone’s shirt maker. Cracking my noggin was nothing compared to seeing a ghost.

Things go from bad to worse fast. Etta, our first employee, finds a dead cabaret singer poisoned by our bath bombs. I’m suspect #1 because I mixed that experimental batch of bombs. Our new sheriff, Dick, shuts down the Row, calls in crime scene investigators and hauls away our bath bomb ingredients. Now I have a murderer on my hands and a ghost with big-time issues. If I don’t solve the murder, and get rid of Fanny, our little soap shop will become the laughingstock of Central Avenue.

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Author: Harris, T.R.
Alien Invasion Science Fiction
Accompanied by his buddies Riyad Tarazi and Sherri Valentine,Adam is struggling to make ends meet on a distant tropical world running Capt.Cain’s Bar & Grill. The problem: They picked the worst place in the galaxy to run a legitimate business … smack dab in the middle of lawless Dead Zone. Comprised of a hundred dead worlds left in the wake of one of Adam’s old enemies–Kracion–The Zone is a gold-rush-like region of salvagers, pirates and scoundrels, all looking for their piece of the action. And in the center of all this activity is the oasis planet of Liave-3, the home of Capt. Cain’s.
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Author: Rose, Willow
Paranormal & Urban Fantasy

Meghan is 16 when she dies.

She wakes up on a flying steamboat on her way to a school run by Angels in a white marble castle.

On the boat, she meets Mick who has been dead for more than a hundred years but still looks like a teenager. He helps her past the difficult beginning at the new school in a new world filled with magic.

One day some of Meghan’s roommates find a mirror in the cellar of the school and they persuade her to go through it with them – well knowing it is strictly against the rules of the school. Meghan ends up back on earth where she meets Jason. However, Jason is in danger, and Meghan knows something important. Something that is a matter of life and death. Soon she is forced to choose between the two worlds. The one she belongs to now and the one she left.

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Author: McDonald, Donna
Romantic Comedy

Cupid she’s not, but she’s pretty close.

Nothing in the world feels better than finding her clients the perfect date. Of course, finding one for herself might be nice, but creative bill paying is for college students not for accomplished doctors in their forties. Satisfied customers help keep the electricity on.

But wait, according to all the magazines the forties are the new twenties. Now if only she felt twenty…

Everything in Dr. Mariah Bates’ life was perfectly fine until the moment she quit her celebrity radio job to start a dating agency. Two years, a cheating ex, and a very ugly divorce later, she’s suddenly homeless and living with her mother. Not that her mom isn’t great, but come on.

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Author: Wodehouse, P.G.
Classic Humor & Entertainment
P.G. Wodehouse was an English author and one of the most widely read humorists of the 20th century. Wodehouse worked extensively on his books, sometimes having two or more in preparation simultaneously. He would take up to two years to build a plot and write a scenario of about thirty thousand words. After the scenario was complete he would write the story. Early in his career he would produce a novel in about three months, but he slowed in old age to around six months. He used a mixture of Edwardian slang, quotations from and allusions to numerous poets, and several literary techniques to produce a prose style that has been compared to comic poetry and musical comedy.

Aussie Rules (paid link)

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Author: Shalvis, Jill
Regularly $6.99, Today $1.99
Women’s Humorous Fiction

For charter pilot Melanie Anderson, nothing is sexier than flying. But running her own private airport also means cleaning up after her disorganized partner and keep tabs on employees who make more work than they get done. Now, the one man she hoped to never see again is back and looking for trouble—the kind of trouble that keeps Mel grounded in a way she can’t resist.

Bo Black is determined to get his family’s airport back. He might be a laid-back Aussie, but he’s also nobody’s fool. And neither is Mel. She’s intense. Uptight. Sexy. And very, very tempting. Suddenly, Bo’s thinking less about fighting and more about falling into a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of love.

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Author: Kincaid, Kimberly
Regularly $5.99, Today $1.99
Action & Adventure Romance

“It’s not you.”

There are only so many times a girl can hear those words before she believes that it is, in fact, very much her. Unexpectedly jilted by her locally famous boyfriend and haunted by a boss who makes Attila the Hun look like a lap dog, Bellamy Blake does what any self-respecting girl in her shoes would do. She rounds up her two best girlfriends and makes plans to get the hell out of Dodge. . .

But Bellamy’s escape plan takes a nose dive on the side of rural route 164 when her transmission self-destructs, leaving her in the middle of a cell phone dead zone with nothing but her wits. Oh, and Shane Griffin, the hottest mechanic who’s ever checked under her hood.

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Author: Marks , Mary
Regularly $6.99, Today $1.99
Cozy Culinary Mystery

Funerals can be patchy affairs for Martha Rose and her close-knit circle of friends–especially in the case of a missing body. . .

When Birdie Watson’s husband Russell is killed during a bank robbery, Martha just wants to support her grieving friend. But en route to the burial plot in Oregon, Martha makes a harrowing discovery about the casket’s contents–instead of Russell, she finds an unidentified man. Now Martha and her quilting klatch can’t rest in peace until they unspool the truth behind the macabre mix up. . .

A Bollywood Affair (paid link)

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Author: Dev, Sonali
Regularly $4.99, Today $1.99
Historical Asian Fiction

Mili Rathod hasn’t seen her husband in twenty years—not since she was promised to him at the age of four. Yet marriage has allowed Mili a freedom rarely given to girls in her village. Her grandmother has even allowed her to leave India and study in America for eight months, all to make her the perfect modern wife. Which is exactly what Mili longs to be—if her husband would just come and claim her.

Bollywood’s favorite director, Samir Rathod, has come to Michigan to secure a divorce for his older brother. Persuading a naïve village girl to sign the papers should be easy for someone with Samir’s tabloid-famous charm. But Mili is neither a fool nor a gold-digger. Open-hearted yet complex, she’s trying to reconcile her independence with cherished traditions. And before he can stop himself, Samir is immersed in Mili’s life—cooking her dal and rotis, escorting her to her roommate’s elaborate Indian wedding, and wondering where his loyalties and happiness lie.

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Author: Blade, Scott
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Terrorism Thrillers

The Navy SEALs trained him.
A secret unit of the NCIS recruited him.
Enemies fear him.

For elite undercover Operative Jack Widow, the news that someone shot his mother, a small-town sheriff, will unleash him in #1 bestselling author Scott Blade’s explosive series starter. Pulled off an undercover assignment, Widow returns home to a small town in Mississippi–a place he tried to forget.

Taken to be a worthless drifter by the locals, Widow uses his skills to uncover the truth about his mother’s last investigation. What was she looking for? What he discovers is a mystery of missing girls and townspeople harboring a deadly secret–a secret they’ll die to protect.

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Author: Levitt, Steven D., Stephen J. Dubner
Regularly $5.99, Today $2.99
Economics in Popular Culture

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the landmark book Freakonomics comes this curated collection from the most readable economics blog in the universe. It’s the perfect solution for the millions of readers who love all things Freakonomics. Surprising and erudite, eloquent and witty, When to Rob a Bank demonstrates the brilliance that has made the Freakonomics guys an international sensation, with more than 7 million books sold in 40 languages, and 150 million downloads of their Freakonomics Radio podcast.

When Freakonomics was first published, the authors started a blog—and they’ve kept it up. The writing is more casual, more personal, even more outlandish than in their books. In When to Rob a Bank, they ask a host of typically off-center questions: Why don’t flight attendants get tipped? If you were a terrorist, how would you attack? And why does KFC always run out of fried chicken?

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Author: Putnam, David
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Hard-Boiled Mystery
Bruno Johnson, a tough street cop, member of the elite violent crime task force, feared by the bad guys, admired by the good, finds his life derailed when a personal tragedy forces him to break the law. Now he’s an ex-con and his life on parole is not going well. He is hassled by the police at every opportunity and to make matters even more difficult, his former partner, Robby Wicks, now a high-ranking detective, bullies him into helping solve a high profile crime – unofficially, of course. Meantime, Bruno’s girlfriend, Marie, brings out the good, the real Bruno, and even though they veer totally outside the law, he and Marie dedicate themselves to saving abused children, creating a type of underground railroad for neglected kids at risk, disposable kids.

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