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Author: Summers, Melanie, Summers, MJ
Romantic Comedy

Princess Arabella of Avonia is bored out of her ever-loving mind. No twenty-eight-year-old wants to live an endless loop of high teas, state dinners, and the same five conversations. They want freedom and adventure. After a wild night out in Ibiza ends in disaster, the royal handlers have shortened her leash considerably. Desperate for an out, she sneakily signs up to co-host a new nature docu-series, starring Will Banks, the man dubbed McHotty of the Wilderness.

Will has ladies all over the globe lining up to meet him until a hot, new adventurer comes on the scene, and his ratings take a nose-dive. Producers decide an emergency change in format is in order. Enter Princess Arabella. The pampered and proper royal is the perfect foil to Will’s rugged outdoorsman.

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Author: Phipps, C. A.
Cozy Animal Mystery

Friends, Gran, a handsome sheriff, and one large ginger cat!
From the moment Maddie Flynn comes home to Maple Falls mysteries are attracted to her like bees to honey.

It’s not as though she wants the drama. After all, she has a bakery to run.

If only solving murder were as easy as apple pie!

If you love Murder She wrote, you’ll enjoy Maddie’s style because she’s not taking no for an answer either.

The Maple Lane Mysteries are light, cozy mysteries featuring a quirky cat-loving bakery owner who discovers she’s a talented amateur sleuth.

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Author: Ridley, Erica
Romance Anthologies

The Viscount’s Tempting Minx
Certain individuals might consider Lady Amelia Pembroke a managing sort of female, but truly, most people would be lost without her help. Why, the latest on-dit is that rakish Viscount Sheffield is canceling the fête of the year because he hasn’t time for silly soirees. He doesn’t need time—he needs her!

The Earl’s Defiant Wallflower
Oliver York returns from war to find his father dead, his finances in arrears, and himself the new Earl of Carlisle. If he doesn’t marry an heiress—and fast!—he and his tenants are going to be pitching tents down by the Thames. He definitely shouldn’t be trading kisses with a penniless debutante… no matter how captivating she is!

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Author: Niles, Chris
Sea Adventures Fiction

It’s taken Kate Kingsbury two years to find peace after her husband was killed in a home invasion. Now she’s found her refuge, living the free and easy boat life at Shark Key Campground and Marina. Except that nothing in life is free. Or easy.

Shark Key is home to a rag-tag group of folks, scraping to get by on an island known more for its lively night-life and exclusive vacation homes than for stable jobs or affordable living. In fact, Kate quickly learns that the average local cobbles together a living from three or more jobs, just to afford their rent. She’s grateful to have Danny’s small pension and a home on a derelict houseboat named Serenity.

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Author: Ladew, Lisa
Paranormal Angel Romance

Trevor Burbank is a shifter cop in a world of humans who don’t know the evil that wants them dead. If he does his job well, the humans will never need to know, but he feels like he’s working against the clock, because his pack is about to die. The females have all been killed, and the half-breeds they make when they mate with humans aren’t skilled or strong enough to fight.

Gabriela Carmi has lost everything that means anything to her way too fast and now she feels like she’s losing her mind, too. On a quest to find something that won’t reveal itself to her, she feels as if she’s pining for someone who may not exist, so when an evil presence begins to follow her, she isn’t sure if her mind is slowly falling apart, or if the impossible is actually coming true. When an instant attraction sparks between her and the dangerously sexy police officer sent to help her, it makes matters worse and better at the same time.

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Author: Charles, Ann
Mystery Romance

Claire is back, raining trouble throughout Jackrabbit Junction in another fast-paced, fun, sexy suspense.

A burglar is on the loose! Claire wastes no time forming suspicions, but she’s sidetracked by a treasure hunt.

Even with help from her boyfriend, Claire is swirling in a whirlpool of chaos. Throw her crazy sister into the torrent, along with an angst-ridden teen, a jittery bride, and some randy old men, and Claire struggles just to keep a toehold in the current.

Then her mother arrives …

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Author: Macomber, Debbie
Regularly $5.99, Today $1.99
Saga Fiction

Nine months ago, Mark Taylor abruptly left Cedar Cove on a perilous mission to right a wrong from his past. Though Mark finally confessed his love for her, innkeeper Jo Marie Rose is unsure if he’s ever coming back. The Rose Harbor Inn barely seems the same without Mark, but Jo Marie can’t bear to lose herself in grief once more. Determined to move forward, she begins dating again, and finds companionship when she takes on a boarder who is starting a new chapter herself.

Recovering from a twice-broken heart, Emily Gaffney, a young teacher, is staying at the inn while she looks for a home of her own. Having given up on marriage, Emily dreams of adopting children someday. She has her eye on one house in particular—with room for kids.

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Author: Srodes, James
Regularly $16.99, Today $1.99
Political History

On the eve of World War I, a group of young men and women came together in Washington’s Dupont Circle tony Kalorama neighborhood. They were ambitious for personal and social advancement; bound together by a sheer determination to remake America and the rest of the world in their progressive image.

At one residence—nicknamed the House of Truth—lived Felix Frankfurter, a future Supreme Court Justice, and Walter Lippmann, later the most important political writer of the twentieth century. Another house served as the base for three siblings: John Foster Dulles, future Secretary of State, Allen Dulles, one of the founders of the CIA, and Eleanor Lansing Dulles, one of the most important economists of the age.

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Author: MacIntyre, Linden
Regularly $16.99, Today $1.99
Psychological Literary Fiction

Father Duncan MacAskill knows all the devious ways priests allow themselves to indulge their temptations. He’s known as the “Exorcist”—an enforcer employed by his bishop to discipline wayward priests and suppress political scandals. He’s also called upon to moderate the emotions of the victims—a task that increasingly wears away at his sense of justice and calling.

When an impending public controversy arises, Duncan willingly goes to a country parish to avert the scandal. But this new parish is very near to where Duncan grew up and long nights in the rectory give him too much time to drink, and reflect, on his turbulent childhood.

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Author: Weiss, Wendy
Regularly $2.99, Today $0.99
Dr. Lila Stone’s patients are suddenly developing deadly infections and she can’t figure out why. Could it have anything to do with her secret double life? While she juggles her orthopedic practice, her sick patients, and her late night addiction, a new romance begins to bud. Lila’s complicated life, filled with highs, lows and designer clothes will take you on a wild ride into the intimate psyche of a woman who wants it all, but may not be ready to have it all.
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Author: Payne, Bridget Watson
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Pop Culture in Art
Why is art magical? How can it make us happy? How Art Can Make You Happy offers the keys to unlocking a rich and rewarding source of joy in life. This easy, breezy handbook is full of insight that will help regular people begin a more inspiring and less stressful relationship with art. With tips on how to visit museums, how to talk about art at cocktail parties, and how to let art wake you up to the world around you, this little guide makes it possible for anyone to fall in love with art, whether for the first time or all over again.
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Author: Kitson, J. W.
Regularly $15.99, Today $1.99
Contemporary Christian Fiction

After a gruesome murder, Phillip must finally face Michael alone for the first time in several months. His greatest fear is whether he can find any forgiveness for the years he remained silent, allowing his younger brother to suffer at the hands of Tony, their sadistic father.

Years before the killing, Tony accidentally discovered a letter written to his wife, proving that she had had a passionate relationship with someone named Samuel. Considering the humiliating possibility that Michael might not be his son, and consumed with rage, Tony’s only ambition was to destroy the possible evidence of his wife’s affair.

Now Michael is nearly sixteen years old and in the hospital, barely alive. While sitting alone with his brother, Phillip is tormented by recurring memories he can’t seem to escape—and just when he realizes the hopelessness of his life without Michael, Samuel, the man who wrote the letter to the boys’ mother, arrives at the hospital.

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Author: Museyon Guides
Regularly $14.99, Today $1.99
Modern Art
Step into the revolutionary lives of the impressionists with Art + Paris, the most comprehensive guidebook to impressionism for the armchair traveler, lovers of Paris, and educators alike. Illustrated with hundreds of beautiful full-color photos and maps, this unique guide combines an introduction to late 19th-century art history with reproductions of famous impressionist masterpieces, walking tours, and detailed listings of the city’s art-related sites. It provides a complete background course on impressionism, with comprehensive biographies and engaging essays about the movement; listings for 150 must-see impressionist paintings in Paris with the stories behind the art; easy-to-follow tours of where the artists lived and found inspiration; and an extended-travel journey through the French countryside, exploring Normandy and the quaint Paris suburbs.
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Author: Greenleaf, Heather
Regularly $16.99, Today $1.99
Historical Romance

With the unexpected news of her pregnancy, Molly’s suddenly responsible husband Corey persuades her to leave her job as a sous chef in a bustling Washington, DC, restaurant and move to an old-fashioned, run-down house in small-town Pennsylvania. Stuck with a colicky newborn and a husband who loves the creaky steps, old décor, and even the broken tiles in the kitchen, Molly finds herself trapped in a life that only Corey wants—but is too busy working to enjoy.

A century earlier, the same house was home to adventurous Tish, the middle daughter of the Hess family, who yearns to leave the family delicatessen behind to travel west and paint sweeping mountain landscapes. When Tish meets Ellis, a wanderer from California, their romance carries them through World War I, but cannot survive his return to civilian life and a train crash that claims the life of many aboard.

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