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Author: Stuart, Anne
Regency Historical Romance

Viscount Rohan is a very bad man. Leader of the notorious Heavenly Host, he steers the dissolute and pleasure-seeking aristocracy in their revels. Content in his wickedness, he knows there is no room for a starchy, brave English spinster in his self-indulgent existence, but his body disagrees.

Elinor Harriman is so intent on protecting her baby sister and their dying mother that she doesn’t realize the danger she’s in. The notorious Viscount Rohan could have no interest in someone like her, thank God, and no idea that she melts with longing every time he touches her. She’s an intelligent, plain woman, and his tempting, his teasing has to be some kind of joke.

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Author: Christensen, Rachelle J.
Suspense Thrillers

A cryptic phone call overheard by a pregnant woman makes her the next target for murder.

One small piece of conversation heard by the wrong person changes everything. When Aubree Stewart answers her phone on the way to work, she has no idea that she is now in possession of a dangerous secret—one so powerful that even the Secretary of Defense is in peril. Unable to forget what she has heard, Aubree soon finds herself swept up in a world of danger, intrigue, and murder. With help from the FBI, Aubree races to protect herself and her unborn child, but the one thing she forgets to protect is her own heart.

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Author: Neil, Andrea C.
Humorous Fiction

Beverley Green is starting over…with chickens. And possibly Bigfoot.

When 40-something Beverley finally has enough of big city living and leaves New York for small-town Guthrie, Oklahoma, she discovers “the simple life” is so much more complicated than she’d thought.

Beverley adopts Guthrie as her new hometown, opening a bookstore and taking a job writing for the local paper, hoping to write her first novel in her free time. It sounded so simple when she came up with the plan. But she soon realizes she’s in way over her head.

Her landlady has it in for her due to a most unfortunate—and unusual—misunderstanding, and she keeps embarrassing herself in front of a mysterious handsome stranger.

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Author: Ramirez, Steven
Genetic Engineering Science Fiction

Dave, a recovering alcoholic, wakes up to find his town overrun by zombies.

Dave Pulaski wasted his youth getting drunk. When he met Holly, a beautiful, strong-willed woman, he decided to get his life together.

Now a plague is decimating the town of Tres Marias. And it turns the victims into shrieking flesh-eaters who hunt. To survive, Dave, Holly, and a small band of soldiers must kill the living as well as the dead.

But Dave is this close to drinking again. The vengeful woman he cheated with is after him–and she’s no longer human. The ravening hordes are swelling. And the beleaguered military forces are outnumbered. How can anyone live through this?

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Author: Harman, Dianne
Cozy Mystery

A broken tree branch.
A dead body.
An ambitious personal assistant.
An unfaithful husband.

Was it murder or simply an unfortunate accident?

A lot of people resented Amelia Prescott, the grande dame of marketing agencies, because of her success. But did someone resent her enough to murder her?

That becomes the job of Sheriff Davis and Brigid – to find out if Amelia’s death was an accident or a carefully thought out murder.

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Author: Stewart, Wayne C
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Short Reads

Ciudad Juarez, MX.

Sixteen weeks into his military career US Army PFC Zeb Dalton finds himself in the notorious Cantina Rosa, all because he couldn’t walk away when he should have. Now, slumped across a sticky bartop, he catches a fading glimpse of pre-teen girls being pulled into the alley.

Hours later Dalton wakes, enraged–equally at what he saw and the rank stupidity that kept him from doing anything about it. But the sight of a discarded pink tennis shoe beside a reeking dumpster clears his head. With far more heart than experience, the young soldier commits himself to their release, whatever that may require.

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Author: Gimpel, Ann
Dark Fantasy Horror

Magic didn’t just find Luke Caulfield. It chased him down, bludgeoned him, and has been dogging him ever since. Some lessons are harder than others, but Luke embraces danger, upping the ante to give it one better. An enforcer for the Coven, a large, established group of witches, his latest assignment is playing bodyguard to the daughter of Coven leaders.

Abigail Ruskin is chaperoning a spoiled twelve-year-old from New York to her parents’ home in Utah Territory when Luke gets on their stagecoach in Colorado. A powerful witch herself, Abigail senses Luke’s magic, but has no idea what he’s doing on her stagecoach. Stuck between the petulant child and Luke’s raw sexual energy, Abigail can’t wait for the trip to end.

Still Foolin’ ‘Em: Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys?

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Author: Crystal, Billy
Regularly $9.99, Today $2.99
Biographies of Comedians

Hilarious and heartfelt observations on aging from one of America’s favorite comedians as he turns 65, and a look back at a remarkable career in this New York Times bestseller.

Billy Crystal is turning 65, and he’s not happy about it. With his trademark wit and heart, he outlines the absurdities and challenges that come with growing old, from insomnia to memory loss to leaving dinners with half your meal on your shirt. In humorous chapters like “Buying the Plot” and “Nodding Off,” Crystal not only catalogues his physical gripes, but offers a road map to his 77 million fellow baby boomers who are arriving at this milestone age with him.

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Author: Chance, D.D.
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Metaphysical Fantasy

Life at the academy just got… messy.

I’ve always dreamed of getting into a top college, but after a stint in juvie, my school prospects went sideways fast. Now I work at a magic academy…as a janitor. Ironic, right?

Okay, so maybe I get a kick out of secretly solving the arcane equations the professors leave on the board for the rich, entitled student wizards. I’m broke, not stupid.

Except then I get caught by the hottest mage on campus…who ropes me into helping him and his three equally gorgeous friends win a decidedly screwed-up magic competition.

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Author: Harrison, Ava
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Women’s Sagas

I ran.
Escaped the man who wanted to hurt me.

I got in my car and drove.
No destination. No direction. No help.

I hid in the one place I would never be found.
Now in New York with no job, I didn’t know what to do.

Then I met him.
Jaxson Price.
The enigmatic devil who wasn’t only above the law, but played it like a puppet.

He might be the answer to all my problems.
Too bad he’s asking for something in return for his help….

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Author: Briggs, Elizabeth
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Coming of Age Fantasy

They think I’m half angel and half human. They think I have no magic. They think because I grew up in the human world I’m clueless about what to expect at Seraphim Academy.

They’re wrong.

I’m not half human, I’m half demon — and this little succubus has come to play.

My brother vanished from Seraphim Academy without a trace, and I’ll do whatever it takes to find him, including infiltrating the school myself.

Even if it means going up against my brother’s best friends, who know something about his disappearance and aren’t talking. They may be angel royalty, but if they think they can intimidate me into leaving the school, they’re wrong.

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Author: Narro, B.T.
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Fantasy Adventure Fiction

On the anniversary of his father’s passing, Jon leaves home in search of answers. The land is full of mystery and intrigue, and Jon wants to explore it all with the dream of one day becoming a sorcerer. But when Jon receives an invite to the castle for training, he starts to believe there has to be a catch.

A long time ago, Jon’s father was once a guard near the capital city. Now Jon finds himself back where his father used to work, and he’s beginning to learn why his father had wanted to raise him away from here. He will discover that, along with certain threats to the kingdom, there are also many magical arts to learn. Some seem stronger than others, but all have their use. Jon must come to understand the complexities of sorcery as he uncovers the mysteries and threats to the kingdom.

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Author: Rosner, Jennifer
Regularly $5.99, Today $2.99
World War II Fiction

In Poland, as World War II rages, a mother hides with her young daughter, a musical prodigy whose slightest sound may cost them their lives.

As Nazi soldiers round up the Jews in their town, Róza and her 5-year-old daughter, Shira, flee, seeking shelter in a neighbor’s barn. Hidden in the hayloft day and night, Shira struggles to stay still and quiet, as music pulses through her and the farmyard outside beckons. To soothe her daughter and pass the time, Róza tells her a story about a girl in an enchanted garden:

The girl is forbidden from making a sound, so the yellow bird sings. He sings whatever the girl composes in her head: high-pitched trills of piccolo; low-throated growls of contrabassoon. Music helps the flowers bloom.

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Author: Summers, Faith, Gray, Khardine
Regularly $4.99, Today $0.99
Billionaire Mafia Romance

An angel like her… and a devil like me.

Was it wrong to prey on the weak?
Especially when the weak came in the form of this beautiful angel on the doorstep of my club.
My club The Dark Odyssey.
The place where people live out their wildest fantasies.
Here, beneath the mask.
Nothing is off limits and just like Vegas, what happens here stays here.

She’s too angelic for the wild masquerade parties I hold.
She couldn’t possibly know she’s standing at the doorway to sin.

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Author: Kabat-Zinn, Jon
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Spiritual Meditations
When Wherever You Go, There You Are was first published in 1994, no one could have predicted that the book would launch itself onto bestseller lists nationwide and sell over 750,000 copies to date. Ten years later, the book continues to change lives. In honor of the book’s 10th anniversary, Hyperion is proud to be releasing the book with a new afterword by the author, and to share this wonderful book with an even larger audience.

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