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Divided House (Dark Yorkshire Book 1)

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Author: Dalgliesh, J M

DI Nathaniel Caslin’s life is a mess. He works the minimum, abuses substances to survive the day and drinks his nights away. A once-promising career is in freefall.

Investigating the death of an ex-serviceman in police custody, reveals the disappearance of a young family. No-one noticed. No-one seems to care. In the grip of a bitter, Yorkshire winter, a family home reluctantly offers up its grisly secrets. Out on the moors, a murder scene of horrific brutality demands Caslin’s focused attention. In the search for answers, is anyone who they claim to be?

Haunted by the ghosts of the past, Caslin is pushed to his limits. Will this case break him or be his path to redemption?

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Author: Henderson, Janet Elizabeth
Romantic Comedy

There aren’t many jobs available in the tiny village of Arness, Scotland, which is why Mairi Sinclair works online—as a virtual girlfriend. For a weekly fee, she emails, messages and sends photos to desk-bound geeks around the world. Nothing dodgy, mind you, she keeps her clothes on! Mairi loves her job, because the last thing she wants is to be tied down to one man forever. Life is so much simpler when you can keep men at a distance.

And that’s why she’s upset when her virtual boyfriends start turning up in town. Someone has hacked her online presence and given out her real life address. To make matters worse, they’ve told the world that she’s looking for a husband and the first virtual boyfriend to romance her properly will win the role in real life.

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Author: James, Jessica
History of the U.S. Confederacy

The Scarlet Pimpernel meets Gone with the Wind in this suspenseful Civil War novel that leaves the lives of two men—and the destiny of a nation—in one woman’s hands.
One woman holds the fate of the country in her hands. Can she allow her brother to die so that others might live?

Winner of the 2019 John Esten Cooke Award for Southern Ficiton

AS THE CIVIL WAR grinds into its second year, a mysterious figure known only as THE LION OF THE SOUTH emerges from the shadows to rekindle the Confederacy’s spirit of defiance.

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Author: Triptych, John
Galactic Empire Science Fiction

In the far future, two major factions are locked in a galactic cold war. As tensions mount between the technocratic Union and the genome-harnessing Concordance, both sides anxiously watch for a chance to conquer the other.

The Nepenthe is a pirate vessel, loyal to neither. Led by the enigmatic Captain Dangard, her rough and ready crew includes the cat-like alien Commander Creull, Zeno the immortal synthetic, the dashing Garrett Strand, and Duncan Hauk, a promising young recruit.

Hired by a cryptic employer, the crew waylays a transport ship carrying a mysterious passenger. In due time, this incident sparks the beginnings of an interstellar conflict that could threaten the state of known space.

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Author: Johnson-Garcia, Jennifer Y.
Music Memoirs

A spellbinding memoir about a disadvantaged teenage girl who takes matters into her own hands, leaving her small town in Colorado and becoming a hit songwriter in New York City.

Jennifer Johnson is blessed with a beautiful singing voice but cursed with type 1 diabetes and stepparents who are dead-set on making her life miserable. By seventeen, Jennifer leaves home and supports herself through her senior year of high school, graduating on-time with her class. But she has much more to prove. Determined, Jennifer kisses Colorado goodbye and sets off on a one-way trip to New York City.

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Author: Rose, Willow
Horror Suspense

Marie-Therese is about to take in another child in foster care. But Edwina is no ordinary girl as Marie-Therese is about to discover. Stories of death and destruction follow her trail and soon events in the small Danish town will take a decidedly macabre turn on one horrifying and endless night.

EDWINA is a spinoff from the third book in Willow Rose’s Rebekka Franck Series Five, Six…Grab Your Crucifix, but can be read separately.

The Winthrop Woman

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Author: Seton, Anya
Regularly $17.99, Today $1.99
Classic British & Irish Fiction
In 1631 Elizabeth Winthrop, newly widowed with an infant daughter, set sail for the New World. Against a background of rigidity and conformity she dared to befriend Anne Hutchinson at the moment of her banishment from the Massachusetts Bay Colony; dared to challenge a determined army captain bent on the massacre of her friends the Siwanoy Indians; and, above all, dared to love a man as her heart and her whole being commanded. And so, as a response to this almost unmatched courage and vitality, Governor John Winthrop came to refer to this woman in the historical records of the time as his “unregenerate niece.”
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Author: Martin, Kat
Regularly $4.99, Today $0.99
Action & Adventure Romance

It’s been three years since Lane Bishop tragically lost her fiancé, and she’s finally ready to risk her heart on someone else. The hot look in Dylan Brodie’s eyes says he’s going to be that man.

But when Lane flies to the remote 1930’s fishing lodge to help him renovate, she discovers a little girl who won’t speak, eerie legends and strange sounds in the night. And when she investigates the history of the lodge, she uncovers a legacy of injustice and murder.

As danger stalks his daughter and the woman he is coming to love, Dylan must risk everything to uncover the shocking truth.

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Author: Stejskal, James
Regularly $9.99, Today $2.99
History of Military Special Forces

It is a little-known fact that during the Cold War, two US Army Special Forces detachments were stationed far behind the Iron Curtain in West Berlin. The existence and missions of the two detachments were highly classified secrets.

The massive armies of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies posed a huge threat to the nations of Western Europe. US military planners decided they needed a plan to slow the expected juggernaut, if and when a war began. This plan was Special Forces Berlin. Their mission—should hostilities commence—was to wreak havoc behind enemy lines and buy time for vastly outnumbered NATO forces to conduct a breakout from the city.

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Author: Robison, Mary
Regularly $14.99, Today $1.99
Humorous Literary Fiction
Three husbands have left her. I.R.S. agents are whamming on her door. And her beloved cat has gone missing. She’s back and forth between Melanie, her secluded Southern town, and L.A., where she has a weakening grasp on her job as a script doctor. Having been sacked by most of the studios and convinced that her dealings with Hollywood have fractured her personality, Money Breton talks to herself nonstop. She glues and hammers and paints every item in her place. She forges loving inscriptions in all her books. Through it all, there is her darling puzzling daughter who lives close by but seems ever beyond reach, and her son, the damaged victim of a violent crime under police protection in New York. While both her children seem to be losing all their battles, Money tries for ways and reasons to keep battling.
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Author: Carrington, Sam
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Crime Thrillers

Mapledon, 1989
Two little girls were out playing a game of dares. Only one returned home.
The ten-year-old told police what she saw: village loner Bill ‘Creepy’ Cawley dragged her friend into his truck and disappeared.
No body was found, but her testimony sent Cawley to prison for murder. An open and shut case, the right man behind bars.
The village could sleep safe once again.

Anna thought she had left Mapledon and her nightmares behind but a distraught phone call brings her back to face her past.
30 years ago, someone lied. 30 years ago, the man convicted wasn’t the only guilty party.

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Author: Dreyer, Eileen, Korbel, Kathleen
Regularly $13.99, Today $0.99
Romantic Comedy

THE ICE CREAM MAN: Divorcee Jenny Lake suspects the new ice cream man, Nick Barnett, is selling more than bompops off his truck. Nick suspects Jenny is more than the frazzled mom she portrays, as all evidence makes her suspect number one in his check-kiting case. Nick also knows a cop should never fall in love with his suspect.

ISN’T IT ROMANTIC: Childhood friends, Pete Cooper and Brooke Ferguson spent their evenings watching TV with Pete’s Aunt Mamie. Now Pete is a famous cable news anchor who earned his stripes in war zones, and Brooke watches Pete on the same old TV in the same small town. Then Aunt Mamie passes away, and Pete and Brooke must set out on a road trip to fulfill Mamie’s last wishes.

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Author: Diskin, Ehud
Regularly $7.99, Today $0.99
Historical Thrillers
During the war, after losing his family to Hitler’s ”final solution,” young David leads a courageous group of Jewish resistance fighters against the Nazis. When Germany is defeated, he journeys to Jerusalem, to find a new battle brewing. British occupation forces are entrenched in Israel, blocking Holocaust survivors from immigrating to their Jewish homeland.
Determined to help his people find freedom, David uses his guerilla skills to single-handedly wreak havoc on the British. As he begins his dangerous quest, David meets and falls in love with the beautiful Shoshana, a young Holocaust survivor whose spirit may have gotten damaged beyond repair.

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