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Kill In Plain Sight (A Tanner Novel Book 2)

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Author: Kane, Remington
Pulp Thrillers
Tanner returns and the Conglomerate wants him dead.
With their resources and vast troops of lethal thugs, the Conglomerate assumed that killing one man would be easy.
They were wrong!
While Tanner is just one man, he is the last man you want to go to war with, and when he teams up with another target of the Conglomerate, he doubles his chances at surviving.
But this is war and the Conglomerate plays to win.
Enter Lars Gruber, possibly the greatest assassin in the world. Now Gruber has set his sights on Tanner.
It’s hit man vs. hit man and only one can survive.
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Author: Doane, Desmond
Men’s Adventure Fiction

Ford Atticus Ford, former host of the hit ghost-hunting reality show Graveyard: Classified, has more than a few regrets—especially after young Chelsea Hopper was attacked by a demon…on live television.

Assisting police departments by conducting paranormal investigations and uncovering buried clues now provides Ford with an ounce of redemption, but it will never be enough. What occurred on that long-ago Halloween night was unforgivable, and Ford, chasing ratings and stardom, let it happen.

With Graveyard cancelled and his reputation destroyed, Ford sets out to avenge little Chelsea, and to save his own soul—if he can.

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Author: Daniels, J.
Romantic Comedy

Wedding hookups never amount to anything.

Those who partake in this wicked little activity know the rules. Get in. Get laid. Get out. There’s no expectation of a relationship. It is what it is.

Dylan Sparks knows the rules. She’s familiar with the protocol. And she engages in the best sex of her life with a complete stranger at her ex-boyfriend’s wedding.

Reese Carroll doesn’t care about the rules. He wants more than just one night with Dylan.

And Dylan finds him too addicting to pass up.

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Author: Flynn, Joseph
Humorous Heist Crime
Two men on the run …
Newspaperman Dan Cameron gets a cool old typewriter for his 40th birthday. It once belonged to Ben Hecht, who used it to write the movie “Notorious.” Dan uses it to write a best-seller. Then the Hecht estate says the typewriter was stolen and demands its return. As his lawyers fight in court, Dan and his wife, Erin, take off so he can get at least one more book out of the machine.
Bank robber Fetch McDonald is three weeks away from parole when his father brings bad news. Fetch’s ex-wife, Verene, who still holds title to his heart, is going to remarry – in two weeks. One week before Fetch’s release. With the help of his cousin, Lerome, Fetch breaks out. But the car Lerome has stolen breaks down. Right outside of Dan and Erin’s cabin in the woods. The two desperados steal the Camerons’ SUV.
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Author: Baldwin, Lily
Historical Scottish Fiction

When Lady Isabella Redesdale’s carriage is attacked on the road north into Scotland, her virtue and her very life are threatened…

But then a band of masked Highwaymen descend upon her attackers, stealing her away.

When she finds out her hero is not a knight in shining armor but rather Jack MacVie, Scottish thief and outlaw to the crown, she is terrified that she escaped the clutches of one ruthless gang for another.

Only what she discovers is that she has more in common with Jack than she first realizes. They both crave freedom–he from English tyranny and she from her loveless betrothal. But in a world where kings reign and birth dictates one’s station, freedom is not won, it is stolen.

Join Jack and Isabella on a fast-paced, passionate journey where love rises above convention and brings the true villains to their knees.

“A” is for Alibi: A Kinsey Millhone Mystery

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Author: Grafton, Sue
Regularly $8.99, Today $2.99
Private Investigator Mysteries

A tough-talking former cop, private investigator Kinsey Millhone has set up a modest detective agency in a quiet corner of Santa Teresa, California. A twice-divorced loner with few personal possessions and fewer personal attachments, she’s got a soft spot for underdogs and lost causes.

That’s why she draws desperate clients like Nikki Fife. Eight years ago, she was convicted of killing her philandering husband. Now she’s out on parole and needs Kinsey’s help to find the real killer. But after all this time, clearing Nikki’s bad name won’t be easy.

If there’s one thing that makes Kinsey Millhone feel alive, it’s playing on the edge. When her investigation turns up a second corpse, more suspects, and a new reason to kill, Kinsey discovers that the edge is closer—and sharper—than she imagined.

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Author: Barry, John M.
Regularly $13.99, Today $1.99
Viral Diseases

The strongest weapon against pandemic is the truth. Read why in the definitive account of the 1918 Flu Epidemic.

Magisterial in its breadth of perspective and depth of research, The Great Influenza provides us with a precise and sobering model as we confront the epidemics looming on our own horizon. As Barry concludes, “The final lesson of 1918, a simple one yet one most difficult to execute, is that…those in authority must retain the public’s trust. The way to do that is to distort nothing, to put the best face on nothing, to try to manipulate no one. Lincoln said that first, and best. A leader must make whatever horror exists concrete. Only then will people be able to break it apart.”

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Author: Campbell, Michele
Regularly $9.99, Today $2.99
Detective Fiction

Kate, Aubrey, and Jenny first met as college roommates and soon became inseparable, despite being as different as three women can be. Kate was beautiful, wild, wealthy, and damaged. Aubrey, on financial aid, came from a broken home, and wanted more than anything to distance herself from her past. And Jenny was a striver—brilliant, ambitious, and determined to succeed. As an unlikely friendship formed, the three of them swore they would always be there for each other.

But twenty years later, one of them is standing at the edge of a bridge, and someone is urging her to jump.

How did it come to this?

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Author: Levin, Larry
Regularly $4.99, Today $1.99
Animal & Pet Care Essays

In the bestselling tradition of Rescuing Sprite comes the story of a puppy brought back from the brink of death, and the family he adopted.

In 2002, Larry Levin and his twin sons, Dan and Noah, took their terminally ill cat to the Ardmore Animal Hospital outside Philadelphia to have the beloved pet put to sleep. What would begin as a terrible day suddenly got brighter as the ugliest dog they had ever seen–one who was missing an ear and had half his face covered in scar tissue–ran up to them and captured their hearts. The dog had been used as bait for fighting dogs when he was just a few months old. He had been thrown in a cage and left to die until the police rescued him and the staff at Ardmore Animal Hospital saved his life. The Levins, whose sons are themselves adopted, were unable to resist Oogy’s charms, and decided to take him home.

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Author: Rankin, Ian
Regularly $4.99, Today $1.99
Hard-Boiled Mystery

Nobody likes The Complaints — they’re the cops who investigate other cops. It’s a department known within the force as The Dark Side, and it’s where Malcolm Fox works. He’s a serious man with a father in a nursing home and a sister who persists in an abusive relationship, frustrating problems about which he cannot seem to do anything.

Then the reluctant Fox is given a new case. There’s a cop named Jamie Breck, and he’s dirty. The problem is, no one can prove it. As Fox takes on the job, he learns that there’s more to Breck than anyone thinks — dangerous knowledge, especially when a vicious murder takes place far too close to home.

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Author: Hooper, Elise
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Historical Biographical Fiction

In 1918, a fearless twenty-two-year old arrives in bohemian San Francisco from the Northeast, determined to make her own way as an independent woman. Renaming herself Dorothea Lange she is soon the celebrated owner of the city’s most prestigious and stylish portrait studio and wife of the talented but volatile painter, Maynard Dixon.

By the early 1930s, as America’s economy collapses, her marriage founders and Dorothea must find ways to support her two young sons single-handedly. Determined to expose the horrific conditions of the nation’s poor, she takes to the road with her camera, creating images that inspire, reform, and define the era. And when the United States enters World War II, Dorothea chooses to confront another injustice—the incarceration of thousands of innocent Japanese Americans.

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Author: Mueller, Julia
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Paleo Cookbooks
Eat your way to health with a packed, wholesome, customizable paleo bowl.
Quick, healthful, and comfortingly delicious, the bowl food trend is the busy person’s answer to jump-starting the ultimate paleo lifestyle! Build your own bowl with unprocessed, anti-inflammatory whole foods and nourish your body with one hundred gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined-sugar-free bowl recipes for a hearty breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
A tremendous holistic resource, Paleo Power Bowls, filled with more than 100 gorgeous photos, is not only an essential guide to the paleo diet. It also promotes the concept of food as medicine and personalized nutrition—customizing what foods work for you based on your personal nutritional needs and gut biome. Mueller shows how to build a well-balanced bowl tailored to specific diets and restrictions, whether it is AIP, low-FODMAP, Whole30, vegetarian, or vegan.

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