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Author: Newton, Charlie
International Mystery & Crime

Three fierce women. A ghost ship’s treasure. And a bone-chilling Caribbean warlord.

World War I rages. US marines storm Haiti’s Banque Nationale, loot $26 million in gold, then vanish. A century later, clues surface during the demolition of a Chicago racetrack, pointing to the Corazón Santo–the notorious triangle of Havana, Kingston, and Port-au-Prince. Three fierce, vibrant women reunite to hunt the treasure, hoping it will buy their survival from a long-buried, catastrophic misjudgment. They conscript a streetwise Chicago horseplayer’s help, then risk a return into the Caribbean’s mangrove jungles and mountains that have tried to kill them before.

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Author: Bell, Cindy
Cozy Culinary Mystery

Joyce and Brenda are enjoying running their newly opened donut truck, ‘Donuts on the Move’. They love working together and despite a few hiccups things are running along smoothly.

That is until business comes to a grinding halt when the owner of the hot dog truck is found murdered. Wanting the murder solved as quickly as possible so justice can be served and business on Green Street can return to normal, the friends decide to do a little digging of their own.

But things go from bad to worse when it looks like the murderer is targeting the food truck owners on Green Street. It is a race against the clock to find the killer before Joyce and Brenda become the next victims.

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Author: White, Robert
Crime Fiction
Frankie Verdi, Eddie Williams and Tony Thompson, are The Three Dogs. A ruthless criminal gang. A law unto themselves. Detective Jim Hacker has watched The Dogs grow from thuggish youths to psychotic criminals and seems to be the only cop in town with the determination to see justice done. Meanwhile Jamie Strange, a young Royal Marine, finds himself embroiled in the lives of the gang when his girlfriend, Laurie Holland, cuts off their engagement… to be with the most dangerous of The Dogs: Frankie Verdi.
Strange knows right from wrong, but when Verdi begins to target Jamie’s family, he makes an enemy of a man, more dangerous than even he could imagine.
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Author: Harman, Dianne
Cozy Culinary Mystery

A murdered guest at her first catering event? Definitely not good for DeeDee’s fledgling business. So much for post-divorce new beginnings.

When Lisa, a well-known Seattle art gallery owner, is murdered at the event, shock waves ripple through the local Seattle art community.

The following day, newspaper reports indicate the cause of death might have been poison in the food DeeDee served. She has to find the killer to save her business and her new life.

Join DeeDee, Jake, a private investigator she’s developed a relationship with, and Balto, her husky dog as they search for the murderer.

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Author: Hoffman, Bob
The curious world of advertising is revealed in 101 delicious bite-size pieces that will have you nodding your head and laughing out loud.
From the author of the popular blog, The Ad Contrarian.
Good news: We no longer need creative people in advertising. We can finally get rid of those annoying, whiney, pains-in-the-ass. We can just do the things we’re good at–imitation anthropology, sidewalk psychology, strategy torturing, and data misrepresentation.
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Author: Croft, Nina
Contemporary Romance

What if all you want is the one thing you can’t have?

First grade teacher Emily Towson always does the right thing. The sensible thing. But in her dreams, she does bad, bad things with the town’s baddest boy: Tanner O’Connor. But when he sells her grandmother a Harley, fantasy is about to meet a dose of reality.

And then he goes and calls her “sensible”…

Tanner can’t believe sweet Emily is standing in his shop. Yelling and waving her hands and looking so god damn sexy he’s having trouble focusing. He’d spent two hard years in prison, with only the thought of this “good girl” to keep him sane.

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Author: Martinez, Aly
Regularly $4.99, Today $0.99
Romantic Comedy

I wanted to jump.
He made me fall.

As a celebrity, I lived in the public eye, but somewhere along the way, I’d lost myself in the spotlight.

Until he found me.

Sam Rivers was a gorgeous, tattooed stranger who saved my life with nothing more than a simple conversation.

But we were both standing on that bridge for a reason the night we met. The secrets of our pasts brought us together—and then tore us apart.

Could we find a reason to hold on as life constantly pulled us down?

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Author: Andrews, Mary Kay
Regularly $5.99, Today $2.99
Women’s Friendship Fiction

When ninety-nine-year-old heiress Josephine Bettendorf Warrick summons Brooke Trappnell to Talisa Island, her 20,000 acre remote barrier island home, Brooke is puzzled. Everybody in the South has heard about the eccentric millionaire mistress of Talisa, but Brooke has never met her. Josephine’s cryptic note says she wants to discuss an important legal matter with Brooke, who is an attorney, but Brooke knows that Mrs. Warrick has long been a client of a prestigious Atlanta law firm.

Over a few meetings, the ailing Josephine spins a tale of old friendships, secrets, betrayal and a long-unsolved murder. She tells Brooke she is hiring her for two reasons: to protect her island and legacy from those who would despoil her land, and secondly, to help her make amends with the heirs of the long dead women who were her closest friends, the girls of The High Tide Club—so named because of their youthful skinny dipping escapades—Millie, Ruth and Varina.

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Author: Anderson, Poul
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Alternate History Science Fiction

Welcome to an alternate civil-war-torn seventeenth-century England—a world where Hamlet once brooded and Othello jealously raged. Here faeries and sprites gambol in English woods, railroads race across the landscape while manned balloons float above the countryside, and the most respected historian of all is one William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon.

The year is 1644, and the war between the Roundheads and the Cavaliers rages. When Rupert, nephew of King Charles I, is taken captive by Cromwell’s troops and imprisoned in a Puritan home, he is immediately smitten with the beautiful Jennifer Alayne, his captor’s niece. Escaping with the help of his newfound beloved and the loyal trooper Will Fairweather, Rupert leads Jennifer deep into the forest, where the faerie folk who dwell there have a vested interest in the outcome of the great and bloody conflict.

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Author: Wesley, Mary
Regularly $2.99, Today $1.99
Humorous Literary Fiction

For the British families who vacation there, the shore town of Dinard, France, is a getaway from the ills of modern life. But when Flora Trevelyan visits with her self-absorbed parents in 1926, it’s not an escape she finds—instead, it’s a doorway into a different world, a different life, that she never knew existed.

As the years pass, Flora embarks on a journey of discovery, from falling for three very different young men to understanding the follies of an upper class society of which she will never quite be a part to uncovering the difference between true friends and fair-weather companions. Along the way, her own life and those of her new acquaintances will be upended, and as the shadows of World War II fall over Europe, Flora will have to decide what kind of person she wants to be—and whether being sensible makes sense.

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Author: Swan, Karen
Regularly $5.99, Today $2.99
Humorous Literary Fiction

What do you do when the man you pledged your life to breaks your heart and shatters your dreams? You pack your bags and travel the big, wide world to find your destiny—and your true love . . .

Ten years ago, a young and naïve Cassie married her first serious boyfriend, believing he would be with her forever. Now her marriage is in tatters and Cassie has no career or home of her own. Though she feels betrayed and confused, Cassie isn’t giving up. She’s going to take control of her life. But first she has to find out where she belongs . . . and who she wants to be.

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Author: Freeman, Kathryn
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
Romantic Comedy

Sam Huxton doesn’t do one-night stands, especially not with men she’s just met! But the hot guy at the bar was hard to resist and one night is all they share – no names, no numbers, just some much needed fun…

Until the same guy walks into Sam’s life the next day as her new employee. Sam never mixes business with pleasure and makes it clear an office fling with Ryan is off-limits. But after-hours…one thing can lead to another. Can Sam trust her heart and her business with the new guy?

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