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Fury Unleashed: A Crime Action Thriller (The Noah Reid Series Book 1)

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Author: Lowe, Wes
Men’s Adventure Fiction

Noah Reid thought he was set for life. New attorney at a prestigious Hong Kong law firm; and with a little luck, his new boss’s daughter would become the next Mrs. Reid.

Then reality bites hard. The plan is tossed when the firm’s biggest client, a ruthless Triad leader, discovers that Noah’s boss has embezzled billions from him. The criminal overlord wants his money back and unleashes hell to force the senior lawyer to return his fortune. When that doesn’t work, he snatches the lawyer’s daughter.

To save her, Noah must plunge into the dark, violent Asian criminal underbelly.

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Author: Crosby, Tanya Anne, Crosby, Alaina Christine
Scottish Historical Romance

England/Scotland 1124: Page FitzSimon has lived her entire life in the shadow of the man she called father. Left to her own devices, with her mother imprisoned, she still might never have imagined that Hugh FitzSimon would deny his only daughter. Alas, when Scottish Chieftain Iain MacKinnon comes to barter for his son’s release, she learns how expendable she truly is…

Vowing to stop at nothing to secure his young son’s return, Iain MacKinnon captures Page with the intent of bartering her for Malcom’s freedom. Little does he realize that Page’s father doesn’t want his daughter, and although he will win Malcom’s freedom by other means, he will also find himself a reluctant champion to the Sassench lass who now has no home.

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Author: Burns, Patrick
Psychology of Personalities
Personality Insider: Myers-Briggs Simplified presents a new, easier way of understanding the famous test. Once you understand this Myers-Briggs Personality model, you will never view people’s behavior the same way again! Improve your relationships, careers, and organizations with this fresh perspective on how you can be more aware of your strengths & weaknesses in yourself and others!
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Author: Hoffman, Bob
Business Advertising & Humor
In marketing today, delusional thinking isn’t just acceptable — it’s mandatory. In “Marketers Are From Mars, Consumers Are From New Jersey”, Bob Hoffman, author of “101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising” and “The Ad Contrarian” explains how marketers and advertisers have lost touch with consumers and are living in a fantasy land of their own invention — fed by a cultural echo chamber of books, articles and conferences in which people like them talk to people like them.
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Author: Barrett, Judith A.
Cozy Animal Mystery

Convicted felon Karen O’Brien completes her prison sentence, but she can’t shake the haunting shadows and terrifying nightmares or walk away from her prison ties after a close friend is murdered.

She moves to her hometown in southern Georgia and buys a charming, old-fashioned donut shop, complete with the owner’s dog, cat, and secret recipes. Karen O’Brien begins her new life as the Donut Lady.

Karen’s struggles to solve the prison murder and adapt to civilian life become even more complicated when a neglected boy suddenly disappears from his sketchy living conditions.

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Author: Dickson, Diane M
Women’s Crime Fiction

After many years of absence, Simon Fulton returns to his hometown. Why he has been away, and where he has been will soon become apparent, as well as why his heart is set on bloody revenge.

Simon is soon recognized by figures from the past when he enters a pub and the locals make it known they don’t want him around. But when Gloria Bartlett, the owner of the Bed and Breakfast in which he is staying, treats him compassionately, Simon quickly draws her into his plans.

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Author: Spalding, Nick
Regularly $3.99, Today $0.99
British & Irish Humor & Satire

Despite their respective job woes, things are good for Jamie and Laura Newman. After all, they’re madly in love, newly married, and having loads of hot sex; what could go wrong? Plenty.

When Laura vomits on prospective employers during an important job interview, she discovers that it’s not the aftereffects of a hangover, but that she–much to her horror–is pregnant. The couple will need to a keep a sense of humor amidst the mood swings, awkward sex, bizarre pregnancy cravings (detergent anyone?), and weight gain that ensue.

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Author: Mayor, Archer
Regularly $6.99, Today $0.99
Police Procedurals
Lt. Joe Gunther of the Brattleboro, Vermont police force has a serious problem: in a community where a decade could pass without a single murder, the body count is suddenly mounting. Innocent citizens are being killed—and others set-up—seemingly orchestrated by a mysterious ski-masked man. Signs suggest that a three year-old murder trial might lie at the heart of things, but it’s a case that many in the department would prefer remained closed. A man of quiet integrity, Lt. Gunther knows that he must pursue the case to its conclusion, wherever it leads.
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Author: Boyd, Natasha
Regularly $7.99, Today $1.99
Historical Fiction
In 1739, bright and determined sixteen-year-old Eliza Lucas is charged with keeping her family’s struggling plantations afloat, in her father’s absence. Learning of the high value of indigo, Eliza becomes determined to learn the secret of growing the enigmatic crop, believing it to be her family’s salvation, but everyone tells Eliza growing indigo in the region is impossible. Thwarted at nearly every turn, even by her own family, Eliza finds her only allies in an aging horticulturalist, an older and married gentleman lawyer, and a slave with whom she strikes a dangerous deal: teach her the intricate thousand-year-old secret process of making indigo dye and in return—against the laws of the day—she will teach the slaves to read.
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Author: Carr, Robyn
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
Military Romance

Wanted: Midwife/nurse practitioner in Virgin River, population six hundred. Make a difference against a backdrop of towering California redwoods and crystal clear rivers. Rent-free cabin included.

When the recently widowed Melinda Monroe sees this ad, she quickly decides that the remote mountain town of Virgin River might be the perfect place to escape her heartache, and to reenergize the nursing career she loves. But her high hopes are dashed within an hour of arriving—the cabin is a dump, the roads are treacherous and the local doctor wants nothing to do with her. Realizing she’s made a huge mistake, Mel decides to leave town the following morning.

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Author: Valpy, Fiona
Regularly $4.99, Today $1.99
Historical British Fiction

When Kendra first visits her ailing grandmother, Ella has only one request: that Kendra write her story down, before she forgets…

In 1937, seventeen-year-old Ella’s life changes forever when she is sent to spend the summer on the beautiful Île de Ré and meets the charismatic, creative Christophe. They spend the summer together, exploring the island’s sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, and, for the first time in her life, Ella feels truly free.

But the outbreak of war casts everything in a new light. Ella is forced to return to Scotland, where she volunteers for the war effort alongside the dashing Angus.

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Author: Cobbs, Elizabeth
Regularly $3.99, Today $1.99
American Revolution Biographies

Set against the dramatic backdrop of the American Revolution, and featuring a cast of legendary characters, The Hamilton Affair tells the sweeping, tumultuous, true story of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler, from passionate and tender beginnings of their romance to his fateful duel on the banks of the Hudson River.

Hamilton was a bastard and orphan, raised in the Caribbean and desperate for legitimacy, who became one of the American Revolution’s most dashing–and improbable–heroes. Admired by George Washington, scorned by Thomas Jefferson, Hamilton was a lightning rod: the most controversial leader of the new nation.

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Author: Koukl, Gregory
Regularly $6.99, Today $3.99
In a world increasingly indifferent to Christian truth, followers of Christ need to be equipped to communicate with those who do not speak their language or accept their source of authority. In Tactics, 10th Anniversary Edition, Gregory Koukl demonstrates how to artfully regain control of conversations, keeping them moving forward in constructive ways through thoughtful diplomacy. You’ll learn how to stop challengers in their tracks and how to turn the tables on questions or provocative statements. Most important, you’ll learn how to get people thinking about Jesus. Tactics provides the game plan for communicating the compelling truth about Christianity with confidence and grace.

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