Enjoy these 13 new Kindle freebies. Each book listed here has gone FREE within the past 24 hours. Books qualify for “Editor’s Picks” if they have outstanding customer reviews. Warning: Kindle book promotions can end without notice, so before downloading click the link “See Kindle price at Amazon” to verify that the book is still free.
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Equal parts oral history and meticulous reconstruction, this unforgettable narrative of D-Day describes the combat as it unfolded on Omaha Beach. Soldiers speak for themselves as they recall maneuvering bombers through heavy cloud cover, the claustrophobic terror aboard transports, and the relentless enemy fire that greeted them on the beach.
Meet Gossie, a small yellow gosling who wears bright-red boots every day, but one morning she can’t find them. As Gossie searches for her beloved boots, the story sweetly connects with its preschool audience (Available on Kindle Fire, Kindle Cloud Reader, Kindle for iPad, and Kindle for Android).